I am a Jr. Firefighter in my hometown, and I have two more years until, as I say, "my helmet is black," meaning that I wont be a junior anymore. I am doing an apprenticeship through my local vocational school. I really had my mind set on just testing for career departments around me, but I recently learned that the Air Force has firefighters, and instead of paying to get trained, I could get paid to get trained. And that is having a strong pull on me. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do, stay civilian firefighter, or become a military firefighter?

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Being a military Firefighter is cool. It will pay for everything including college.

Good luck and stay safe,

well from what i heard but i might be wrong about this but apparently being a firefighter in the air force and one in the civilin life it is 2 WAAAY diffrent things i was talking to one of the guys i go to votech school the same as you and he was telling me the way it was the same and everything.....if it was me i would stay civilin and just get as much training as possiable through M.F.R.I but yea
i actually was thinking the same thing and just yesterday we had some one from the air force come to my skool and i talked to him about it it's not the same everyone in the airforce if a certified firefighter so its not like the only thing u will do is fight fire u will also train to go across sea and fight and some time u might have to
Go with what feels good to you. We're just giving our opinions, but go with what you fell comfortable with. After college i might go into the coast guards fire dept.

But either way, best of luck to you. and stay safe most of all.

brian wow dude i just faced the same thing. theres no jr program here but ive been hanging arround our fire dept for as long as i can remeber (my uncle is on it) and i became a volunteer this spring. it was explained to me by the recruiter there would be major differences as far as fire fighting goes and i would have other duties but it will give you the structure and confidence to do the job at hand. well i already signed the next four years of my life away so next week its off to RTC in Great Lakes, IL and then its off to FTC in San Diego sometime after that if all goes as planed. but like sam said its a choice you will have to make. my thought was even though i will still need schooling after i get out of the Navy ill have the GI bill and definitely have the structure to fallow orders and will have that going for me when i look into career departments. who knows maybe it will be more than 4 years for me and ill just return home and volunteer. goodluck
I think yo should stay a Civilian firefighter cause you can change departments. i have a friend who is a military fireman and when he tried to switch posts they wouldn't let him
hey man my cousin is in the air force to and a volenteer here on my dept to man he says its totally different they have things we dont yes but u would have to have civvillian training to man he says its harder but he like it his dad was a firefighter rip dan but do what your heart and god tells you to do man thats the one person that will never let you down trust me ive been threw alot in the past 4 years but ill b praying for u stay safe sparky 219 hcfd station 1 and 2 go to our web sight hardincountyfiredepartment.com

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