ok this may be a stupid discussion but we had a incident here a couple of day ago. One of ower prisons had two gards that got hurt well one got realy hurt and the other was killed. My question is do we as firefighters and ems do we put the black across owere badges like we do for ower own.

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here in my community we probably would.  EMS, Fire, Law Enforcement we're all part of the same team and when one of the team falls we mourn them.

Hey Doug, that is a good question. I would be interested in knowing that too. Oh, and just for information, it is spelled OUR  not "ower" and the word is GUARD instead of GARD. Well, at least in Canada where I am that's how we spell it. Stay safe!



I guess it depends on the type of organization.

As a general rule, even though we (my department) work closely with law enforcement, we do not shroud our badges for a fallen LEO, unless we are attending the funeral. They likewise do the same for a fallen firefighter, or medic.


I don't know.  I'm not a cop so I don't wear a badge. 

I would say if you attend the funeral and wear a uniform  I would do it for respect.


Is that a reply to me or the original poster?  If me, then I can't wear one.  They don't issue badges unless you're a chief.

Its for the poster. I didn't know that where you are didn't issue badges for dress uniforms?


DC firefighters dont get badges? on only chiefs? didnt know that-wow

I guess its a money issue with DC.

Every agency/department will have a different policy. We wear black shrouds on our badges out of respect for any fire, EMS or law enforcement personnel. We're attending a funeral today for a true hero, a soldier lost in the line of duty in Afghanistan, but we won't be wearing shrouds on our badges.

Oh, and Doug --- There is no such thing as a stupid question.

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