Mark Klaene
  • Male
  • High Rolls Mountain Park, NM
  • United States
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Mark Klaene's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Marshal
Years in Fire/EMS:
19 1/2
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
High Rolls VFD
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Mechanical Engineer
Fire Inspector I and II
Wildland FFT1 and ENGBT
About Me:
Family, Job and Firefighting/SAR
Love classic trucks and oldies music , recently got into crossover country music
Day Job:
Observatory Manager
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Help local community that I had just moved in to
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping those in need BUT also a confessed adrenaline junkie
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Having enough dedicated volunteers willing to go through the training and stay with it.

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Mark Klaene's Blog

9/11 FDNY Speaker

Posted on February 14, 2012 at 12:11pm 0 Comments

I am looking for a current or former FDNY member that might be willing to speak at our 9/11 Remembrance ceremony. The Ceremony occurs in the evening on September 11th each year . Attendance is free to the public and all area firefighters are invited. Attendance runs about 300 to 500 people. Our county fire fighters association will cover cost.

Usually we allot 20-30 minutes for a guest speaker.

This will be our 11th ceremony.  The ceremony is traditionally a…


4 Washington police officers killed

Posted on November 30, 2009 at 8:51pm 1 Comment

My heart goes out to the town, department and families of the 4 washington police officers brutally killed this weekend. Another senseless act of aggression and violence against the innocent by an evil person.

We may not always get along with our brothers and sisters in Blue but you have to respect them for doing what they do and putting on that uniform everyday.

May God bless and console the friends and families of these men and woman

How about in honor of… Continue

What is the best way to slow traffic ?

Posted on August 23, 2009 at 12:37pm 4 Comments

We do a lot of traffic control in our area. We have a major single lane US highway, lots of blind curves and over 6 % grade. One of the first things we do on a scene is set up a safety zone. Sometimes that means stopping traffic but often all we have to do is slow traffic ahead of the accident so the guys around the curve at the scene can direct them around. We carry the requisite vests/wands/signage but often folks still just fly past us. Stopping traffic is easier because we can block the… Continue

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At 2:35pm on May 15, 2010, omran bahrani said…
i am working fire supervisor in arab shipbuilding and repair yard(asry) company and ineed your help to provide for me traning with you and if you do that i will never forget to you .
chief , i love and i passion my job but you know after 11 subtember so diffcult to come to usa and i am as a fire fighter i loss from that but i pray to god you will help me to joind with you even for 1o days for take same certifcate for fireighter.
kingdom of bahrain
yousif omran jassim
At 8:36pm on May 20, 2009, chrissy said…
Thank you for all you help it was every helpful
At 11:06am on March 9, 2009, Mick Mayers said…

Re: my blog "Life Changes"; I'm sorry if you thought I was placing blame, because that was certainly not what I was after. I was actually trying to illustrate that no matter what we do sometimes, even if we are doing everything right, sometimes things go wrong. I don't have any facts other than what was presented in the articles. What I do want, however, is for drivers to not take their responsibility for granted (which we all do after years in the seat, including myself).

My prayers are with all of the parties involved and in the hope that they all can recover from this extraordinarily tragic event. Thanks for your comments.

Mick Mayers
At 3:25pm on February 28, 2009, Goddess of Command and Control said…
Unfortunately, the CFD wants to join the consolidated dispatch authority, but the City Counl won't let them...we're still working on it! I promised them I wouldn't give up on them and we're working closely with them to assist, whenever their dispatch is too busy or can't hear them.
At 10:03am on February 28, 2009, Goddess of Command and Control said…
DFA did fund our equipment. The "Consolidated" dispatch center is considered the primary PSAP, for any County. The City of Carslbad still gets "some" funding, but will not be on the same level as a consolidated center.
At 12:31pm on February 26, 2009, Goddess of Command and Control said…
The City of Carslbad is in the same boat, so they've pretty much become and island unto themselves. We, the Consolidated Dispatch Authority, have moved on with installing brand new radios, 911 equipment, etc. We are in the process of building a new state of the art facility and installing a new CAD/RMS system that will tie together Dispatch, our Sheriff's Dept, Artesia PD and our Fire Departments.

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