Thomas Doney
  • Male
  • Sumter, South Carolina
  • United States
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  • Bob Atkinson
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  • Galen McCarthy "CURBY"
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  • Jonathan C. Lassiter
  • Brian Dumser
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Thomas Doney's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Sumter County Fire Deptment
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
constantly training on everything
About Me:
Im a certified diesel engine mechanic. I am currently the shop forman of a small local trucking company. I am in charge of maintence and repairs of 16 trucks and nurmerous trailers.
Day Job:
Shop Forman @ A Mobile Storage Company.
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To have a good time and help the community.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
To help better the community.

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Thomas Doney's Blog

Sad day on Memorial Day.

Posted on November 11, 2008 at 9:10pm 1 Comment

Today was a day to remember the people from the wars, but today we lost one. Our compan chaplain was on his motorcycle riding and enjoying the day. A car was at a stop sign and didnt see him comming. He t-boned the car with his bike. He was flown out via "Lifereach" helicopter. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. This is all the info I have at this time, I will try to keep updates when I get the information.

Ike is already kickin our butt.

Posted on September 11, 2008 at 5:38pm 2 Comments

Here in South Carolina the great gas crunch is back. The price is expected to go from 3.41 a gallon to over 4.50. All of our training, and meetings, and everything has been called off due to the rise in fuel. This not only hurts our ability to respond, but also our wallets as volunteers. What cost me 45.00 today will cost me double that by this time next week. Not only that we are gonna lose alot of help on scene cause of the price of gas. I dont know how its affecting you but this makes me a… Continue

Rainy Day

Posted on August 13, 2008 at 1:55pm 0 Comments

Here I am sitting at home hoping for a good call. The weather is a cool 71 degrees compared to the 100 degrees that we have been getting. Its been raining off and on and here when it rains we usually get dozens of calls at the same timd for auto accidents. Some serious some not. As much as I would love a good house fire but an accident scene is just as good some days. The best thing about being a volunteer is that the idea that you can give to the community and you get alot of respect back. Its… Continue

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At 8:53am on February 2, 2009, gb said…
cool man glad to hear that the felt bad no really you deserve it
At 10:37am on January 27, 2009, gb said…
i passed have you heared anything
At 7:41am on December 29, 2008, gb said…
10-4 man you to
At 4:13pm on December 19, 2008, gb said…
hearded about the test yet
At 8:18am on November 14, 2008, gb said…
sup dude again we are sorry for the loss sumter fire is going throw if yall need anything please call kcfs if not see you in class tonight
At 10:07pm on August 25, 2008, Galen McCarthy "CURBY" said…
I have not been on my profile in a while,i just saw tongiht you had left a comment for my poem. THANKYOU !!!!
At 7:44pm on August 12, 2008, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
It's good to hear that you are doing better.
I know that you want to help others; that's pretty clear.
You can't do that by sacrificing your own good health.
In twenty two years of running with a fire department and many of those high speed MVAs on the interstate that we respond to, I have seen just about everything twisted and sick that you can imagine. After the first couple, I no longer would question anything that I did at the scene; either as a firefighter or when I was chief. Filling your head with questions and self doubt is the quickest way to cause you to "freeze" next time. Don't let it happen. You will gain experience and confidence with every run. You will grow stronger, physically and mentally. You will not lose your compassion, simply because you won't let it affect you emotionally. What you are doing is processing it differently than other things that aren't as shocking to your senses.
And if you stay in for many years, you will come out with your mind intact.
You'll do fine. You'll make your family, friends and community proud.
And you can always email me for a chat.
At 11:20pm on August 9, 2008, Brian Dumser said…
Thanks for the add. Keep your chin up Brother, it gets slightly easier with experience. Stay safe!

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