ok what colors of helmets does your dept use and what do they mean?????? My dept uses White,Red,Black,Yellow,Blue,and Orange. White= Chief Red= Captain Black= Lt Yellow= firefighter Blue= Safty Orange= Rookie

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In my FD, the order of helmets go as follows:

God 'ol Mighty - AKA Chief - white
His right hand man- Deputy Chief- white
His right hand mans,man- 2nd Deputy Chief- white
we dont have one-Captain- red
Squad wench-EMS LT- yellow
Engine wench-Engine LT-yellow
Safety Officer-green
Firefighters- black
Juniors- orange

Cairnes Traditional all the way around for us.
I gave my previous Administrative Assistant a pink helmet when she complained about not having a helmet to hang on her office wall like the training officers had. I even made her some custom reflective decals that said "Training Goddess".

Other helmet color meanings are as follows:

Dull Black: been to a few fires, can't tell what color the helmet used to be
Shiny black: new helmet, hasn't been around much fire
Red: see "shiny black", a new helmet that belongs to a company officer
White: see "shiny black", belongs to a chief officer that has a new helmet and/or doesn't do many training burns
Pink: a chief officer's helmet that has been discolored by UV rays
Amber: a chief officer's helmet that has been discolored by even more UV rays
Brown: a leather helmet worn by someone who can't find the black high-temp paint
Transparent: a helmet that has had the s*** beaten out of it
Camoflage: you can't see it, so you don't know what color it is
Infrared: invisible except to the thermal imaging camera operator
Ultraviolet: makes the wearer look like Elvis under a blacklight
Blue: a helmet that has gotten really cold during one of our occasional February cold snaps
Yellow: STRANGER DANGER - we don't issue that color
Green: helmet that is very envious of the dull black helmets
Gold: misplaced Notre Dame helmet found in Mick Mayer's locker
Hopefully it means that you are a firefighter!
my department uses white, red, yellow and green

white= chief
red= captins and lieutenants
yellow=firefighters and drivers
green= rookies
Black= Firefighter
Everyone has pretty much the same colors. Our department are"
White- Chief Officers
Red- Captains
Black- Engineers/ driver- Operators
Yellow- Firefighters

And some places use blue for paramedics.

As far as the other comments go, we can't chastice someone for asking a question. If someone feels intimidated about asking questions, then they won't want to ask when they should be. And another thing, aren't we supposed to be supportive of one another?
thats what ours are but we have a first responder and emt that has to have a blue he says. so he has a blue but he bought it. we dont have an ambulance but do first respond when we get called . at least we are the only fd in our county of 14 depts one being pd that has triditional helmets and leather globe boots they are nice the pd dept has rubber boots
hey watch it lol [jello heads] i is one i guess
where I am currently working we use: White-Chief/Captains; Red-Lieutenants; Yellow-Firefighters

When I was in Kentucky serving as a Deputy Chief we instituted a color code system that also included the passport meaning something. I can't remember the correct layout but it was very effective.
Chief & Assistant Chief: White

Captains: Yellow

Lieutenants: Red

Paramedics: Blue

Incident Command Officer and Safety Officer each have a Vest to wear that they get off truck once on scene after establishing who is Incident Command and Safety Officer

All Others: Black

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