I've seen lots of Companies, Squads, and such that have sayings on their apparatus. Like FDNY has "Midtown Madness" for Ladder Co. 24/Engine Co. 1, or "Never Missed A Performance" on Engine 54 and "Pride of Midtown" on Ladder 4. What is your company/squad motto or what do you have written on your apparatus?

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Pawtucket , Rhode Island

Tower Ladder 1 "Were Eagles Dare"
Battalion 5 Training ( The Colonels Battalion)

LAD91DER The pride of Dublin
Our department wanted a motto. Our members submitted various entries. The choosen motto is >"Dedicated to excellence, delivered with pride". One of the entries not chosen was "Strive for mediocrity, but settle for less".
my old station in Maryland.

Truck 34 stairway to heaven
Engine 341 war wagon
the pride of langlay Park
good luck in bowie don't get caught up in the petty fights beween the Paid Guys and the Volunteers, It's sad the way the department has fallen down over the years.

It's for real...Absolutely 100%.

Isn't it great? :-)
It's stirred up a little sh*t storm with some of our neighboring companies but they'll get over it...
That's great!! I'm sure it did stir some sh*t!!! Hilarious!
my company has bulldogs on the side of our vehicles. we have the only mack r model with no roof that is in service it is a 1967. if you are familiar with macks they always have a little bulldog on the front. we were the department that started putting the little fire helmet on the bulldogs. now its standard issue for all mack fire trucks to have the little bulldog with a firehelmet.
We do not have anything written on our trucks but everyone in our county knows my station as Misfit Island

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