Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

in my company there r very few firefighters that like the junior program is that the same in every company or jus mine and how come kids say stuff about us calling us wanna bes if they only really new how much we doo ....

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yea hey man i jus got out of the explorer program yea they will treat u rough but there older got a little bit of knowledge here they train us but some dont want that resposibillity of trying to make sure your safe at the fire or wreck man when i stayed on the explorer program it worked out everyone excepted me now they ask where i am if i dont show to a call just give it time no worries man time shall open a slot for you good luck out there be safe god bless
wow what a load of "carp" or should i say crap. as long as explorers "know more and are more capable" than the well trained men and women with the years of experience to back it why dont we just send the explorers out on their own for a week and lets see how many structures are saved. its that kind of thinking that got this forum started.

eddie work hard keep your ears open and ask questions if you dont understand. do the best that you can and dont make the same mistake more than once and you'll make it. but you will have to work for respect, it wont be given to you until you have proven you diserve it.
When we first had jr firefighters at our dept, i was very much against it. I was afraid they wouldn't try, they would play around and just be in the way. One of my jr firefighters changed my whole attitude when he joined. He smokes all of us when putting on his gear and air pack, and most importantly he tries in everything that he does. But try to hang in there, and if you don't give your 100 percent you wont get the respect either. good luck!
at my station we have a junior program and the jr's are aloud to ride the rigs if there is room for them. other wise they get on the next rig out the door. alot of time jr's have a way of running there mouths and it gets them a reputation of havin an attitude towards the sr members. some times it is better to keep there mouth shut and pay attion to what is going on and learn that way
1st off eddie I know this is an older post, (november 07) and this is july 08 now, But I've read a few of the posts HERE as well as similar posts in Firehouse , Fire hall which is the Canadian version of Firehouse and a few other places as well.. OK,? 1st off let me tell you, Iam Not an explorer or a junior anymore, in Fact , I have 19 years as a career firefighter and Had 15 years as A Vollie firefighter before that.. Everyone feels when they are the "new guy" that everyone is picking on them, and in some situations that is exactly what they do, some people call this "Hazing" But true hazing is an NOT accepted practice in MOST areas... BUT let me say that Part of the probationary period is to see what your made of and how you as a new guy will hold up under various situations obviously Firefighting is REAL life and people , Both "civilians and Firefighters" can die , and the idea of seeing If your the type of person that would try anything or turn around and walk away or act dumb ratherthen do what youhave been trained to do is Part of the attitude Thatyoufeel your getting from others, IN some cases having a "kid along" on a run, to some guys is taking a riding spot away from a senior Guy who can actually do anything when they arrive.. The process of becoming a mature and capable member is a series of steps Thtyoueach have to take..The teen years are also a series of steps to maturity... Please realize, if you tend to whine about work, such as packing hose or the "work" part do youreally think they are going to give you the nozzle for the"fun Parts"? as an example , Think about this, If I hated packing hose so much when I was a Junior, how do you think I enjoy it now 33 years later ..lol I've tryed to explain to the guys who've recently been hired 3 groups of rookies in last 2 years, I have been assigned to the house I am in since 1990, 2 engines and a truck, I have done every job in the house there isnt one toilet I havent cleaned no light bulb I have not changed, no pane of glass I havent cleaned once or twice
when I was the house rookie I tryed to be the first one in thekitchen and make a pot of coffee, the first one on the rig when we were going out , I rarely sit in the day room In front of the TV even on nite shift, If there is hose in the dryer I roll it, or get the rookies OFF the computers, off they're cell phones off the couch to roll it.... MY point is Have a work ethic , Many young people today have no clue That there arealways things around the firehouse to be done, maintained, repacked, cleaned, polished Buffed and oiled or paintmark
As an explorer or Juinior , Asking the Officers what needs doing when you show up , shows them you want to do something and truely learn something about the "whole job".. This earns you respect of your officers and elders, If I have to Go looking IFO the boob tube to get something simple done , about the 2nd time I realize Your just there to sit on your Butt and watch Nickalodeon.. IN that case, Why should I respect/"Like" you? I realize someof this career stuff isnt "quite" the same, but in reality its exactly the same.. Let your actions speak for who you are, ignore the comments if you need to step up to the plate, do so with the guidance of the officers (permissions of course..).... if your "Doing" then you can at least tell em to put up or shut up...lol
I teach FF1 / Engine, truck operations. The problem us "old timers" have is the 18 / 20 rule. You come in new and at 18 months you act like you have 20 years experience. Not all of you but the ones that do make the rest of you look bad. We love to see you blood, but remenber that, believe it or not us "old timers" do know a little bit. This is a young man / woman job, all we want to do is teach you the do's & don'ts so you and the people you work with go home safe and sound. I commend you for your love of the service we need more people like you but remenber the old saying keep your eyes open and mouth shut because some day you will be the senior person!
Hey man, I joined my department almost 5 years ago when I was 12, now i'm 16 and still sticking with it. I know where your coming from dude, I started not being able to run calls and working my butt off, cleaning the station after meetings without being asked, blowing out the bays and waxing trucks, ya know, just helping. I worked my way up to run calls and pretty much getting to do everything except for interior firefighting on calls. I still do the things I did before like cleaning and they really appreciate it, and don't treat me like the"probie" even if i still am. Just stick in there, you'll hit trouble all the time, but they always work themselves out. Get to know the trucks, you'll be very useful on calls and the officers recognize that. I was the only junior for 3 years, we had no program. Go hang out at the fire department, not just on meeting nights, it helps you get to know the people you work with. The people that don't like the junior program don't understand how important you are,you are the future of your station. Hang out with the older veteran members, those are the cooles guys to talk to and usually will help you and teach you if you listen. Those kids that call you that are jealous, probably because their records are so bad they can't get into a station or they are lazy and don't do work.

The grass is the same for the most part on the other side.... We have an explorer post, 10-12 kids. What you find and I have been involved with a few different explorer posts, is that most departments have a group of educators, guys willing to teach and pass on the torch. They are the ones to seek out and ask them to mentor you.

The older firefighters who are in the latter half of their careers and SOME will want no part of the "starting over" routine. See they may have been educators before, settled into the service and are cruising. They enjoy their job but do not want to take on further work, committment or change.

Their are also great older educators to seek out and absorb information from... listen and learn!

See the biggest problem I see about the explorers is the overwhelming excitement towards beng a part of the fire service. That is NATURAL, I find it funny at times, remembering the days. But others do not see it the same, with the excitement and find it to be a nuisance.

Try and find a happy medium and you will be a better person and firefighter. "Curb you enthusiam" is another saying.... Remember the fire service is a small world. I have seen kids ruin a career before it actually started by their actions. Now, for the most part, kids will be kids and people need to understand that, but every once in a while people will say, "that kid is going places, or he has a good head on his shoulders" etc.

Don't get too caught up in the lifestyle, be young, be well-rounded, don't always wear a FD shirt to school. Put your pager in your pocket, or on vibrate. Don't "over-hoop" your stay in firehouses, less is more, you learn more through your ears/eyes than from your mouth, try to experience as many things outside the fire service as within, don't limit your possibilities.

Lastly, focus and do well in school.....
our station doesnt have any problems with juniors we are aloud to run calls and we have training every month and all the fun stuff the worst part is washing the truck
Our firefighters are really thankful for us. I know one day, I wasnt able to go, but it was a gas spill and there were only 2 firemen and 3 explorers that went to the call, so what would they have done without them??? They really love us, I am closer with the firemen than I am most of our explorers so our guys love our explorers, but that might just be us
I'd say that they are just jealous because maybe they didnt have the opportunity or didnt take the opportunity to be junior firefighter...But everyone in my department have respect for us juniors...Good luck and just let it roll off!
I think the junior firefighter program is very important. When I was in my early teens I was a firefighter explorer. The program not only taught me "firefighter" things like the fundamentals of firefighting but it also taught me the structure of the department. I was taught the most important things of all. How and why to have ownership and pride in the job. Most of the people in my program are on the job today.

As for the "older" people, just ignore them. Its just hazing. Just let them know that you may have to save there ass some day. Try not to listen to them. And if they give you more shit just give them my Email- bozofire1@yahoo.com

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