Around here every department has a different color helmet for thier firefighters. We have white for chief and asst. chief. Red for captain and leuitenants. And yellow for everyone else. Saftey officer is blue. But the neighbors have black, and the officers on other are different colors. This makes it hard for all of us to decifer officers from firemen. If we went to one helmet color for everyone it would make it easier for us to tell.

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Chiefs are white
Commanders are red
Captains are orange
LT's are yellow
FF's are black
Rookies are lime green.
white for Chief, Asst Chief, and LT's
yellow for Firefighters
Black for rookies
Chiefs.....(Chief, 1st Asst Chief, 2nd Asst. Chief) wear White....All others wear Yellow Traditioal Cairns...Only difference is the shields....left to the individual...Standard 6 inch or "Defender type"......Remember...."White helmets kill brain cells"....LOL.... Sorry couldn't help myself
In our area we have a county wide color system all cheifs and captains where white and certified ff where black non certified where yellow. This helps because you know who can do what when you are on a scene.
My current has white for Chiefs, red for capts., and lts., yellow for ff and blue for our safety officer. My old had whites for chiefs, red for capt., black for lts., and yellow for ff. Worked out well...
I always thought it would be a good idea to have some type of protocol, at least within the county, for helmet colors. In our company, white=Chiefs, red=Captains, yellow=lieutenants and black=firefighters. Our neighboring fire district has almost the same, except their firefighters wear yellow and their lieutenants wear black. It always takes me a minute to figure out when we are on mutual aid calls.
In my dept. District Chief and above where white helmets. Truck Co. Firefighters including officers wear black helmets and Engine Co and Heavy Rescue (Squads) firefighters and officers wear red. There has been talk in my dept about everyone below District Chief going to black helmets which I think would be a great idea
my dept. chiefs white, captains red, lieuts yellow, firefighters black. with the labels on the side and front of the helments.
my dept now things are bass akwards we all wear red but are switching to red for officers yellow for the rest of us. still not the best but at least we be able to spot the officers better
OUr department or rather our whole county has the following that works great;

Chief and Asst. Chief = WHITE
Captain = YELLOW
Lts. + RED
Safety Officers = BLUE
Instructors = GREEN
Firefighters (certified) = Black
Explorers/Probationary (no training) = ORANGE

Frtom a distant you can tell everything.
my dept has Chief and asst. chief=white
it would help with everyone being the same but i don't see this ever happening. at the same time, in my dept we use the abbit rit stickers to display everyones qualifications.
Our department runs the following colors:

chief & asst chiefs................white

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