Does your department do background checks of prospective members? How far does it go? Do you only do a county check? When was it implemented?
What about current members?
Do they take an integrity test (Wonderlik)?
What are your thoughts?
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I usually run ours through local pd. was wondering if you knew who I could run them threw for better report.
We do have background checks here. They do a full check of the state and previous states lived in within the past 10 years. They also require a driving record from Texas and a previous state if licensed there within the past 3 years. The dept. pays for the checks. They also do an integrity test. Current members go through a state check once a year. I have been on the dept. 7yrs and its been here since I started.
Art, another thing I forgot to mention - there is a program called LENS, which is License Event Notification System. If any of the current members has new "developments" pertaining to their DL the chief gets an email right away.

This way a department does not have members with newly suspended licenses driving its apparatus. Licenses can be and have been suspended for child support non-payment, insurance lapses and such, sometimes without the member's knowledge.
If your local PD is using the state or federal database, then you are getting a pretty good one for free.
You can pay a service to do it and they will go back to infinity, if that's what you want.
I want a check to go far enough that due diligence has been served, there are no current problems or problems in the forseeable future.
There is only so much you can do, but you have to do something.
You can't just "take 'em as you find 'em", so to speak.
great question, we used to not to anything but we do know and we've got a random drug test too, so if we suspect your going to pee in a cup:)
we do a complete background check on all applying new members. we just started that at the end of last year
My current department does not but the one that I belonged to before did. They did theres through the local police department and I do believe its a state check. Since this has been part of the application process for a while pretty much every member had one. I myself are all for a state background check due to the fact that there are alot of people out there who have "past" that could place the department in a large liabilty issue (felonies,assults and such)
It is volunteer so no too small to try to do that. In Gouverneur they have a waiting list and they do background checks.. Also have to be approved by the village also.. Then a long probationary period...
Activities in a fire station include regular inspection and cleaning of the apparatus and equipment, and continuing education in the fire service. Weekly or bi-weekly routine typically includes various drills in which firefighters practice their skills. Some fire companies also host public activities at the fire station during annual "fire prevention week" or similar, and the facility may also be used for fund-raising by the "fireman's association", "fire buffs", or "fire auxiliary."

California Dui
This subject has been a frequent topic in my vire company as well , again with the question, "What if there is are violations, crimes, whatever on the background check? I think that if the background check revealed different information than the individual had placed on their application that would be grounds to reject their application. I'm not sure there is any one easy answer to this question.
In our district we do local,state,and where you resided previously(if out of state) checks. We don't dive deep into your past like NSA or nothing. I saw previously about deviants and the such in our service. This is to sad of a fact and we see those forums occasionally. This FF did this our that and was arested or being investigated. People make poor dumb decisions sometimes and for a small % all the time. Another problem about things "getting out" and privacy laws and regulations. Intent is the most important thing in that discussion. Any half a nickel NYU atowerny (sorry horrible jersey typing accent) is going to tear you up on that stand in a civil case. That is the quick rich scheme, litigation! We sit here and wonder why these large insurance companies and financial institutions are going TU. People are getting civil awards for some of the stupidest things. One couple a few years back sued a satelitte distributor over some verbage and contract disbute. It was a couple hundred dollars was the basis of the claim. They sued for $200,000 in damages. The jury awarded it to them plus a punitive of $12.4 million? WTH!?!?!?!? Now I know the story about punitive damages and yadda yadda but still. $200,000 for a $200 dispute. The medical ones are even worse and the law suits brought against emergency services across this country daily. Who do you think shells out the greater % of the money for companies!tahdah. That is one of the biggest bleeds this country has, these ridiculous cases. Anywho, I'm going to jump of the soap box and let someone else have a turn. Be safe and learn something new today.
Our company is volunteer in southwest Pa. I have been a member for 16 yrs and have served as captain for 8yrs. We have always done a criminal background check before application can be put to a company vote. If someone comes back with a shady background the chief and president simply state that the check came back dirty and they recommend not accepting. What the person did to get into trouble with the law is not mentioned. Recently we have also implemented drug testing to be considered for membership. They are not brought to company vote without having submitted and past the drug test.

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