Is it just me or has the commitment of the younger firefighters these days just gone to pot? Now don't get me wrong there are some young guys and gals out there that still go get it but they are a shrinking breed. Out of 20+ applicants to take our last agility test only 5-6 passed the rest just quit because they were tired out. We have a working fire at my volley station and 1 cylinder of air and they are laid out in the yard wipped out and the house is still burning, and one last thing is this, it's all about "me" thing, only looking out for myself instead of whats best for the crew or the dept.

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i have been a vol. frefighter for 10 years. i have seen the new breed come and go. to it seens like they dont have the heart to be firefighters. my father who has been a firefighter for over 20 years told me when i first started this job picks the person you dont pick the job. if you dont havee the heart you will never make it
that is so true. i started as a jr. know i wanted to do search an rescue but no i am interer attack and ems so yes your right. you dont pick the job it picks you
That sucks, i can make a 30 minute bottle of air last me 45 minutes ;)
I understand just what you are sayin we need to get everyone back into the game because if they are not able to put out fire then what will they do for someone that needs help . Now i'm not sayin that its easy by no means because i was the same way when i started i was wipped out because of a mtn fire but as we all know that's hard work . All i can say is if they after what 6mons in the dept and they still are like that then i think that it needs to be look at . When are all it in cause of fun , love or , whatever but well all have a part to do so let's get it done and stop the about me Sh** because it's about everyone and evrything .
ok liz your right but here is my thing ppl today dont want to vol. they want paid. an i for one think its bullshit.
you know im tired of the same why do you vol. to risk your life for ppl you dont even know shit. this is coming from my friends ,family ect....PRIDE thats what i say kids today have no pride an thats why i think the paid an vol. fire , ems services are going to the dogs
and u are so right cause people have forgotin about what and why they are in it . I just think that everyone has a part and if you don't want to do it then just quit you are makin it harder for the people that are doin all the work. I take pride in what i do but i also know that you just don't have to save your ass but ur family's ass too and so on . It take real understandin and heart to do this work , i'm not paid im a vol. and i like it i would love to make it my job and never have to do anything else but vol. i'm fine with . I think after the 9-11 deal everyone got into well i want people to see me like that , but no ones willin to work on it . Thinkin they will get into it and like it was a new car and use it bullshit i say IF YOU DONT WANT TO DO THE WORK GO HOME . don't play grown up if you dont want to do grown up work!!
Theres talk the Forest Service won't have a fire service next year because everyone is going where the money is.
Its not cheap anymore to live. I tried volunteering with no experience and they wouldn't hire me so i could careless about them.
But my thing is before ou got into the fire dept what was it that u like to do did you not just dearm if i get in i will do anything and how long have you been in the fire service. i know people now that has been waitin to get in the forest service for year's they will only take the most exp. Your losein the love i think so think about what the reasons u joined in the first place .
I agree, I've only been doing this for just over 3 years but have always worked hard and come from a military background. While in the Marine Corps they taught us how far a person can go. When your tired and want to qiut, you probably still have two bottles left in you. The younger crowd today just doesn't understand what it takes and how to dig deep and get there. I tuely believe, for the younger FF's it's about wearing the uniform not doing the job they signed up for.
being a relatively "young guy" ive busted my butt to get were i am today. ive been doing this for quite some time. but i would agree that the newer kids these day suck. they either want a quick "glory" job and it really pisses me off but i do give credit to all the kids who really have this in their blood.
LT it's not the same. The vollie department I was on before returning to career service had 10 young guys who were certified, i.e. made it thru the academy. Of those most a year later are still taking and FAILING FD tests, not just hte agility, but the written with scores like 49, 51, 59 and even a 36...and then crying it was too hard to pass. WTF, if you cant pass the basic test you dont need to be the one people are depending on to save their lives. I never made less then a 96 on any entry test I ever took. And the worst part is they cant understand why they are not getting hired. These are the same kids who want to tell seasoned firefighters with jobs what to do on scenes because they have a certificate.
It's not all of em...I'm in CSR (Confined Space) class right now with some guys in hteir 20's and they are showing well. My biggest issue is the lack of respect for the guys who have been doing the job since these guys were kids.
no were waiting on calls so. yes your right were all typing on but now liz true after we all started talking about this i went back an talked to some of the older guys after werd 3ppl got asked what there intenctions with the dept. was then asked to leave so there not true fire fighters lol

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