Does anyone besides me wish they would re-make the old TV series Emergency! as a modern TV show?

Don't get me wrong, I love Rescue Me, and liked Thrid Watch, but I can't watch them with my kids. I think if Emergency was remade with today's firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics are the basis, a more family-friendly yet realistic, action-packed and inspiring show could be produced.

If it was done well, I'm sure every firefighter in the Country would want their family to watch, and inspire the next generation of Firefighters and Medics.

Times change, and what was cutting-edge in the 1970's is kind of Hokie by today's standards. I think there's still enough of us Fans of Roy & Johnnie out there who would like to see it remade with modern cameras, good scripts and realistic firefighting action.

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Hell yes! with johnny and roy as station offciers like they were when the series ended. i believe that they would be very different today as opposed to then. society and EMS has changed so much sice the 70's even jack web would be hard pressed to create believeable characters
i think it would be cool to see another show on tv i liked rescue me and third wach the are both good shows.
Yes I would like to see a show like that, even though I was to young to see it I would watch reruns of it all the time and I even bought the Series on DVD what is out. I also like Third Watch it was also a good show to watch.
Wow this one makes me feel old. I remember waiting to watch Emergency as a kid and back in the days before DVR,VCR,DVD it was on once then maybe again in summer so I hated missing an
Now all that said, I think Emergency could be redone much as Battlestar Galactica & Bionic Woman have been. Serious scripts, great drama and current event driven.

Where do we sign up???
heck yeah that would be awesome. i wish that they would bring back emergency 911 that was the awesomest show ever.
What can I say?
heck why not. I liked that show. I use to watch it all the time. I agree with you.
I also wish they would make a show like cops for for firefighting and ems related.
I wish they would.A couple of years ago Randolf Mantooth (a.k.a. Johnny Gage)was pitching a show called U.S.A.R. starring him as Capt.John Gage.Haven't heard anything about it since.But yes it would be nice to have a new Emergency! for a new Generation.Its a good thing Universal has released the show on DVD. My 5 year old son loves watching it with me,as I did with my Dad when I was his age.It is time to bring shows like Emergency! & The Dukes of Hazzard,back.I feel safer letting my kids watch those dvd's rather than Rescue Me or 3rd Watch. Bring back Emergency,an sign me up.I'll do it for peanuts.
-Station 51,KMG-365.

I would love to see it, especially if Randolph Mantooth was still in it in some capacity. And not just because I've been in love with him since I was six. :o)
By now he'd be Battalion Chief John Gage!
I love EMERGENCY! thanks to TV Land and DVD. I would love them to bring it or a similar show back. Third Watch was ok but a little to focused on the cops. Rescue Me is a horrible example and should not even be mentioned in the same breath with shows like EMERGENCY and Rescue 911.

Sadly shows like this don't get ratings today like they should. Shows like "The Bravest" (early 2000) and Firehouse USA (last year) don't last cause only fireman watch them. If your looking for a good show check out its a web based show that has "webisodes" each week. They cover the San Franscisco FD and its ok not EMERGENCY but not Rescue ME.

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