Does anyone besides me wish they would re-make the old TV series Emergency! as a modern TV show?

Don't get me wrong, I love Rescue Me, and liked Thrid Watch, but I can't watch them with my kids. I think if Emergency was remade with today's firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics are the basis, a more family-friendly yet realistic, action-packed and inspiring show could be produced.

If it was done well, I'm sure every firefighter in the Country would want their family to watch, and inspire the next generation of Firefighters and Medics.

Times change, and what was cutting-edge in the 1970's is kind of Hokie by today's standards. I think there's still enough of us Fans of Roy & Johnnie out there who would like to see it remade with modern cameras, good scripts and realistic firefighting action.

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I'd would like to see an updated version. I remember getting home as quickly as I could on Saturday nights to watch.
Absolutely! I would love to see something like this that is family friendly. Just like everyone else, I couldn't wait until Saturday night to see what Johnny and Roy were up to that night!
im 16 and i love that show i totaly agree i love rescue me and all but cant watch it when my bro comes in the room well i hope they do that would be awsome
The only reason that Rescue Me continues to be popular on cable is because each one hour show dedicates about 9 minutes to actual firefighting stuff. Between the commercials, it has drugs, sex and rock-n-roll. THAT is what keeps the masses interested in Rescue Me. Leary knew when he created the show that he needed wider appeal to survive. That's why there are so many sub plots.
Don't get me wrong; I love the show, but you won't teach family values by watching it, that's for sure.
As far as Emergency being made into TV; forget it. It wouldn't do it justice. It needs to be done as a movie!
Dixie was HOT!
Or at least I thought so while growing up.
AH HA! THE CHIEF IS RIGHT YET AGAIN! Emergency! The Movie,LOVE IT! As long as they don't f_ck it up like they did the Dukes of Hazzard.Oh has anyone else noticed that,Backdraft was made by Universal Studios,and C.F.D. **ENGINE 51** is a Refurbed Ward LaFrance?hmmm.Maybe they where dropping a hint,or paying Homage.
I agree with you, Ilove Rescue me but I cant watch it around my kids. My son loves the old episodes of Emergency!
Dixie was hot to me too...

Maybe you're right about doing as a movie vice as TV, make it "Ladder 49-ish" so it hase mass appeal, but plenty of firefighting action as well.

I'd like to see it every week for a few seasons though.
Yes I watched all the emergenvy episodes and miss then still this day. Also the show Code Red was very good but didn't last very long. Either one would be a great come back for this century. Court Tv has announced a change to Tru tv in January and one of the previews was of a helicopter recue witht he coast guard. We need more of these type of shows even though I liked third watch. There was another seires that wasn't too bad called Saved but didn't last long. Obviously most of the nielsen ratings do not involve us firefighter for input or they woud still be making them.
This may sound goofy but one of my favorite childhood memories was watching emergency with my grandfather, and we would try to guess which way the trucks would turn when they pulled out of the station
You mean Rescue911!....Don't you?
They always turned RIGHT,didn't they?
Because of safety.
Check it out. Right. Always.
I would love to see Emergency! back on the air. I think an online group should be formed to write some pilot episodes. Johnny Gage's son could be a station captain.

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