Have you ever gone mutual aid to another department and you report to staging and are ready to go and 'cuz your a chic you get the shit assignments??? by that i mean the exterior..not going inside to feel the heat???

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yes, I have been there as well. They think we cannot do it because we're female - or maybe they know WE CAN do it and they don't want us to because we're female.
Yea I know that feeling also. I am on a department that is old school and believes that women should not be fire fighters. We have a few that are for it but alot of the older generation is against women ff. Luckly enough my husband is also a ff and he pushes me to get into it all and when he has to go in he takes me with him so that helps.
That is my place right now because my children are small. My dept has a rule if husband and wife are both fire fighters that have small children, generally it is the husband that goes in and the wife work exterior. Now if I am available and my husband is not on scene, chief will let me go in. But we both are not allowed in at same time due to the kids. The reasoning behind this is for the kids sake. But as to our single women on the dept they are treated with same respect as our men.

You ladies should get the same if not a little more respect,, those who disrespect you should be reprimanded for their actions...


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