Hello y'all I'm a FF/PARAMEDIC in fl on an all volunteer dept we have been performing gut checks for our new and lazy members one of my fellow members is recently discharged from the corps and myself former army we have had some trouble with our cheif not forming a structured command and training my fellow member and I are tired of it we have recently performing gut check training to the new members that don't do their share of the work and the lazy members that are only there to be pardon my French but glory hounds but I'm sure y'all know what I mean we are trying to improve our community involvement and contact so we have devised a gut check training program that involves all stages of jobs in the dept. from tagging hydrants to running hose lays overhaul force entry ladder setup ropes and tool runs bunking out and packing out as former military members we do the training with them and not be harsh to them any critical or ideas will be great thanks

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Cory, I am also prior service and know exactly what you are talking about.

 I see it to. Can't wait to jump on truck got get to a fire. But when it comes to station maintenance and things like this forget it.

Right lol
I kinda washed my hand of that part luckily we have a few that help with the matinence but not much else we gave a rookie a gut check session and we explained its not to pick on u or haze but to show how important it is to know the role you are going to perform because one day you maybe the only one doing a specified task and there will be no one to hold your hand
Knowing what to do is half the battle and keeps u safe and alive tracking?
I am a ff/paramedic I am not the first in being that only dual cert on the dept our Ems is like any rural Ems except for a few they won't go anywhere near a burning structure I only do this for their safety

Cory, I agree with John and Norms suggestions.  Been there and done that, it's very hard to motive someone who doesn't want to put forth the effort. 

I started 16 years ago on my volley dept. and to think how far we have come from the "way we used to do it" is amazing and we still aren't completely there yet.  I found the best way is that it starts at the top, even though the chief may not be onboard your enthusiam/disicipline for the job will spread, not right away but it'll eventually catch on.  I have explained to the rookies that without the less glamourus jobs being done (washing, maintence, etc.) the other things can't be accomplished.  Sometimes it can feel like you're the only one and sometimes it is but you're being watched and it'll spread.

The only thing I would watch is the exclusion of the higher ups on the things you're doing, trainings or meetings.  It can only create bad feelings if it feels like you're going behind their back and work against the progress you're trying to make.

My dept. serves a population of 5,000 and is all volunteer so I see alot of similarities with your situation.  It takes a wise firefighter to know when to step up and when it's time to step back.  Keep your head up and good luck.

Thanks really appreciative of someone that's been there and know that. That's why experienced people are important they have been there done that we inform the cheif of what we are doing he is in agreeable with holding the trainings in which he is at least in agreeable state of mind with it I was made the "unofficial" training officer haha but I have a round table for ideas

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