I was wondering what tattoos you all have or if you are in favor of tattoos at all..... just curious :)

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i have a tribal sun with a cross in it...cool story tho my old youth pastor would go play basketball with some people in the local ''bad'' neighborhood and made sure that everyone could see it and it was an odd tatoo however it never failed that someone would ask him what it meant and it opened up a witness opprotunity
I believe that being a christan is about where you heart lies. It doesn't matter what is on your body. It is where your faith is. So having tattoos doesn't make any worse or better than anyone else. That is where the public judges and shouldn't , it says that in the bible. If everyone would read the bible more often, maybe just maybe they wouldn't judge by what see and more about what they hear.
The bible does not condone or encourage tattoos. As christians our bodies are the temple of God, so they should glorify Him. I have a tattoo on my right shoulder, its a badge of honour, personalised maltese cross, showing that I work in courage, and am willing to lay down my life to save another. It is significant in that it represents my calling: God has called me to be a Firefighter, and to glorify him as one. So all glory be to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Leviticus 19:28 talks to this matter; this is one area that I truly struggle with as Jesus tells us that He has come to fulfill the law but not to abolish it. So my question then becomes, in fulfilling the law which there be we are given a new covenant and two of the greatest commandments: Love thy God with all your heart, mind and soul, and to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. What laws do we continue to follow and which ones are no longer applicable to Christians? This is that I am trying to discern as I a lead a small group study on "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges. When I went and search for a list of sins I found that there are ~667 sins listed which was quite a shock to myself and to the group. With this said I pose again the question do we continue to follow the laws that Jesus has fulfilled. Which some seem to be related to bring the community together and teaching them how to serve one another, not to say that we still do not need to practice being good servants to our brothers and sisters of this world. It seems that the practices spelled out in the Old Testament do not seem to apply as we are told that to live by the law alone will surely result in our demise. Would like to hear what others have to say on this.
In the Book of Revelations it says that Jesus has a tattoo. He has written... King of Kings and Lord of Lords on his thigh. I dont have any, but cant find any New Testament reason not to have one. Seems like it should represent the Lord we serve though.
Iam not sure about them,But the bible tells us it is his temple

If you look throughout time tattoo's have had there place in Religion.

I don't think there is anything wrong in them aslong as they are in good taste

I don't think God would have anything against them,,tats can be used to gloryify God,tattoos are used for many different reasons.

as away to ID yourself, away to expres in what you like or what you love.

as long as you show no disrespect for others and the tat isn't what could be concidered wrong.

The whats the harm,your the only one who is going to have to endure doing it

God Bless


I am a member of the  CMA to a have had the change to talk to more man a about jesus with tattoos .

So long as it is done for the right reasons I am for it. I have not gotten one simply because I don't like anything that resembles a needle :) otherwise I would have.

Jim, I know that's an unpopular belief nowadays but that doesn't make it any less true. There is another way to view NT writings on similar issues, Paul wrote that regarding food issues, but to me it applies to all things, if by you doing it, it may cause your brother to sin,, don't do it.Yeah our God is big enough to forgive it but it can lead others to stand in judgement or weaken their faith.


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