Hello all, I have been thinking about designing a software program to help us firefighters. On what though, I don't know. Maybe PCR's or training? Fire reports? Any suggestions? Thanks

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Hate to break it to you, but there are already several different software programs out there that do PCRs, training, data reports etc. Considering the cost involvement and so forth, it may be better to become familiar with such programs already out there and to improve upon them. Besides there are some programs that operate really well, but get mucked up with cost savings endeavors by the communities footing the bills.

The market is flooded with software as both John and Dylan stated. Unless you can come up with a unique program the is both efficient, and user friendly.

As was said by others there is a lot out there, that being said  most of what is out there is very pricey 
We use firehouse and it costs a lot for just the modules we use. 

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