Negativity within the fire service can be devastating to an organization or agency. Most Fire Chief's have no idea how to deal with the issue(s). Many firefighters have never been exposed to training / educated / or development to deal with the issues we are expected to handle.  Take a few mintues and listen in on a free professional development radio show from FETC Services on dealing with negativity in the fire service.


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Well Mike it was a favorite of a few others as well.  It was one of the most popular shows so far this year, so I am going to bring it back next month. I am taking suggestions for the next show for which we will address how to handle as examples.

My belief is there are 2 completely different types of negativity in the fire house.  The standard bitch about everything negativity that has been around from the very first fire house and the new negativity about layoffs, consolidations, elimination of fire departments, loss of pay, loss of benefits, and retirement worries,  They truly are completely different issues.


The first type is a personality trait and the second is a rection to negative environmental issues outside of our control in most cases.  The negativity personality trait is usually unchangeable because it goes to the core of who that person really is and how they view all of life.  They are seldom happy about anything for any length of time,  They are incredibly difficult to deal with and I have worked with people like that.  My way to cope with the negativity in that type of situation was to remove myself from it, go work on cleaning the tools on the rigs, wash the trucks, bring in my own projects from home, go online, anything that got me out of that sphere so i didn't get dragged down with them.


The second type that is a true reason for negativity is so much harder to address because it is real and affects us all.  I have no answers for this one.  Because no feel good news letters, no seminars, no rah rah pep talks will eliminate the reality of layoffs, loss of employment through consolidation or elimination of FDs, loss of pay and benefits, and worries of retirement pensions and healthcare.

Apparently negativity in the firehouse isn't a big issue after all, or maybe it just isn't as sexy as hoseloads, POV red lights, and word association games...

So in your eyes most of the firehouse negativity is related to the lack of job security. I could see that with older guys but new kids.... not so much.   So why so much negativity with the younger kids, complaining about chores, checks, training, or policies. Challenging everything and everyone about why this or that? So you don't see the negativity train arrive with some just wanting to cause hate and discontent because it makes them feel better? That is a generational up bringing unlike other past generations.

thats why i like having probies, its nice to have a "pollyanna" around. so full of hope, pride and willingness to do the job...most of the time

Really?  You don;t think job security concerns can affect the attitude of new people?  Well, you are wrong as wrong can be.  Want proof?  Ask the 12 guys we had on the chopping block a couple of years ago.  Your concerns shift from the fire department to trying to figure out just what the hell you are going to do to pay bills, keep your house, take care of your kids and more.  Fortunately we worked together to keep them on the job but I believe that has the ability to taint anyone's outlook about feeling secure.

As for your other point, the younger generation comes right out of fire school onto the job with no real world experience in the job market.  They didn't spend 8 or 12 hours sweating their ass off pounding nails, or laying asphalt, or delivering furniture, or any manual labor job.  They had it cushy and expect that to continue, well other than when they are slaying the dragon.  Now mind you that is not all of that generation, but enough to make you leery of them all.


So in your eyes most of the firehouse negativity is related to the lack of job security


In today's day and age and especially political climate, yes, this aspect holds a significant place today. Despite the job and despite the work that any and every FF wants to do and strives to do....there is a looming, realistic, omen consistently hovering today that many other generations of FFs never experienced. The reality is job security IS most definately a significant factor for ANY or older. It affects in the job security aspect...older with the less resources to do the job.


Realistically, everything we, as a fire service, have preached is coming to fruition. We truly can NOT continue with this "do more with less mantra" and the "no money" aspects we consistently see. So yeah, you are DAMN right job security has a big factor on attitudes.....way freaking moreso than little freaking wanna bes complaining of chores.



So why so much negativity with the younger kids, complaining about chores, checks, training, or policies. Challenging everything and everyone about why this or that?


Depends on circumstances. Most new hires here know and understand their role in the hierachy...I have yet to see a probie question such issues, so to me, such issues reflect on training. Any newbie should know their role before the get hired, let alone by the time they hit the floor. Truly if such a dept asked such questions of newbies, it directly reflects on training.....or lack thereof.

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