Has anyone here seen the new Forcible Entry Tool by Stanley Tools? Here is a link for the site with some basic information. It still isnt out yet, it comes out in July.


Stanley makes great tools for carpentry work, so I can only imagine the quality of this tool will be exceptional. But Im not too sure on the effectiveness of this tool. It has the pry bar ( Like a halligan), hydrant wrench, nail puller, sledge hammer, and grabber jaws for conventional lumber...
Why would there need to be a hydrant wrench on an interior tool? The trucks nowadays has hydrant and spanner wrenches attached to every available free space so why take up room on a new tool?
Nail Puller? Just cut, rip, or otherwise remove the obstruction, why bother pulling nails?
I have mixed feelings on this, I would need a hands on demonstration in order to make a final determination.
How does everyone else feel about this tool? Thought it would make for good discussion. Here is a Picture...

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I would need to actually see one of these tools before expressing a judgment on its usefulness. My initial comment is that its uses go in two different directions, forcible entry and fire hydrant/fire hose.
Think they'd give us one to play with??
Gotta love multi tools! The only thing I would ask is durability and strength. Neat idea though!
I use the original fubar and love it, a very strong and durable tool. This is an off spin of it. And if I can find a vendor close enough, that may already be selling it, you can rest assure I'm getting it
I like to see it my self
I can imagine this will be popular with construction companies.
It holds the key to free water.
Multi tools are always good, if you get a useful combination.
I agree that the hydrant wrench is a waste on this tool.
It would be like having a seat belt cutter on a hydrant wrench.
I'd like to see one up close and personal.
I think this makes more sense in the 18-inch version than in the 30-in version. Might work nicely in tight spaces for Truckies.

I wouldn't mind trying one out in a demo building to find out how well it works. I think Art is right, construction guys would probably find a lot of use for one in their tool boxes.

I was at a true value hardware store yesterday and they had one. I think they were originally designed for Construction.
I have one of these but it not the larger size that your are showing, I have one that I keep In my pov. with my gear and so far have been really happy with it, but you know as well as I do the next time you need its, fubar. I kind of thinking the same way, I don't think I would let my life depend on that piece, I would stick with the big H and let the Chinese keep their junk!!!!
I got a smaller version of this tool .. the Functional Utility bar.. Man it works great its not too heavy and can do alot of damage if Ya ever need to get out in a pinch..

Sgt King
I'll take a 30" Pro Bar Halligan (not the Paratech crap) over Stanley's tool anyday.
To Sgt. king I have the fat max version that is about 15" long that you get at the local hardware store is that what you have? I think they are a great tool but, we need to all have a little more input on these things, I don't Know where its made ,but the rubber handles are awesome, you can actually hang on to it when your gloves are freezing, so that's what makes it appealing to me, have a slow day!

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