Hello everyone, In my old station everyone carried different things in their bunker gear. Im trying to figure out what items would be best to carry that can be in both Fire and EMS call. So I throw out the question whats in yours, and maybe a reason why. Thanks.

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Now isn't that a rather personal question.....?? LOL
In my coat pockets.... A 10' peace of rope (for many things) and a nylon strap with a carabiner on each end (to carry or drag things) and on the inside pocket I sometimes have a reflective vest (for traffic control) chest pocket is my radio and my flashlight (obvious reasons) Pant pockets.... A spanner wrench (never know when you need it) a knife (always good to have) and that is about it.... I do not like to have any extra weight I do not need.
Here's a good rule I learned. Take what you think you will need and put it in your turnout pockets. Then button up, pack up and mask up. Then try to get to the things in your pockets. If you can't get access to it in a timely manner, it's probably not worth carrying!

Hope this helps!

P.S. To answer your question. Rt leg-20' of rescue rope w/ caribiner.
Rt coat-pair of long-jawed, multipurpose cutters(tested on about 95% of all materials I might run in to when doing a wall breach.
Left coat-window punch. Piece of kids sidewalk chalk.

That's it!

In my left bunker pocket - six piece screw driver set, pliers, wire cutters, small bolt cutters, adjustable wrench, pipe wrench, ball peen, trim and framing hammer, small handsaw, window punch, complete set of sockets (including metric), abc extinguisher, 100 foot of rope, spare helmet and PPE.

In my right bunker pocket - kitchen sink...because you just never know.
What??... no golf balls?
in my bunker pockets I carry
1. 3pair non latex surgical gloves - this is a must
2. Res-q wrench
3. Surgical Scissors with gauze
4. Penlight
in my bunker coat I carry
1. Nomex hood
2. Bunker gloves
3. rope w/ caribiner
I hope this helps you out brother
Good one Derek :)
Leroy, I have to many things to list.
Nothing right now, but Friday my big ass will be in them.
leatherman multitool, latex gloves, a pen somewhere is always handy, p2 dustmask, and a bit of rope
Nothing! I know I can count on my partner to provide everything. (Just kidding!) All kidding aside, one of my coworkers carries so much stuff I've told him not to fall into a lake --- he'll sink to the bottom!

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