Our mutual aid group has started an extrication/rescue unit. We currently have 2 sets of extrication tools that were purchased used a few years ago. With all the new metals in vehicles now, we're looking to purchase new tools in the near future.
Any recommendations and why?
Anything will be appreciated

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I would have to go with Hurst, they've been around a long time and have proven themselves time and time again.

Jesse, I've just done a bit of research (Google) and according to various sources, Holmatro have been producing rescue tools since 1967 and Hurst since 1972 (at least under the title, "Jaws of Life").

I didn't know that. I might be slightly biased because ive used hurst only.

I didn't know it either. I've always assumed Hurst lead the charge. It may just be that they termed the Jaws of Life phrase????

As for biased, I'm pretty much the same with Holmatro, having only very limited exposure and use with Hurst, Lukas and others....

same here, i always thought hurst basically invented the jaws of life.

No "basically" to it.  Hurst invented the original powered hydraulic extrication tool, "Jaws of Life" is a Hurst trademark.  Literally, no other company actually makes the Jaws of Life, because the trademark is exclusive to Hurst.


Hale bought the trademark when they bought the Hurst company and product line.



Hurst made their first tool for racing rescue in 1963, according to their information that I linked below.


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