Online USAR CAT Rescue Exercise

One of the most important skills involved with both USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) is the ability to pick something out in a tangled mess, or a burned / destroyed structure.

This exercise is aimed at honing those skills, and reinforcing the fact that not everyone can find something quickly. It takes time and patience.

For the purposes of this drill, your mission is to find a cat, not a person but the skill set is the same. You are looking for the obvious. That's it. Can you find the cat? Someone told me that they had identified two. I'm not so sure about that one...

PLEASE... don't reply with the answer, but instead, and be honest, how long did it take you to find the cat?

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving! 



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Not sure what the blind man mode is but you've always been the cats meow!
The question is, and for everyone, can search and rescue techniques help with this search, e.g. Clockwise starting from the outside and working in. Are we all using this technique, or are there others?

A closer, more detailed, and more patient search in "zoom" mode reveals that there is only one cat in the photo.

Good exercise.  44 seconds.




To make my point about using Thermal Imaging Cameras for USAR exterior size-up and void searches, find the cat in this photo, and time yourself.

No Ben,

It's the zoom mode.

Using an iPad, not much luck finding the puss unless it's to the left of the center green dot...

I believe it is in the box under the green dot.

I used a special Cat Filter, and now I too can clearly see the puss...

That's funny right there. I don't care who you are!

I'm thinking this would be called a "Cat Scan"?


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