My fire company has recently completed the finishing touches on our PINK cancer awareness truck.  We took one of our engines and turned it pink.  Engine 33 is the first pink cancer awareness truck in Pennsylvania.  Any other departments out there ever done such a thing?   More pictures available on my flickr page.

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As I pointed out earlier, there seems to be greater importance put on a cure for breast cancer than for prostate cancer (see my earlier post for stats and link).

Since so many people seem to get all atwitter at painting a fire engine pink for breast cancer awareness, I suggest that on that pink engine (or on our own rigs), we put a pair of truck know, for testicular and prostate cancer awareness.

Now that's some serious thinking outside of the box-ers Jack!


Kyle were you lucky enough to have the national tour come through or was it a regional truck they got to sign? We jad the national tour come through Georgia last week and had one of our engines link up with it for a few days and now my husband is driving Pink Heals Georgia chapters first pink truck with the national tour for a few weeks.


As to your female that sounds dipped in pepto that is a bit much for me. I do have a pink helmet and I use pink colored pens,  because it makes it easier to spot the dreaded PEN THIEF

That is a very attractive unit!

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