ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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mine is black widows. i'm very afraid of them
Losing my granddaugghters. They are so precious to me!!
My biggest fear? Popping the door of a car on the interstate, displacing the dash & pulling out someone's child. I've done it enough times, but its still my greatest fear.
Something happening to my son.

Or of course.....

Having to run on the engine for every call.
Someone needing help and I can't get to them!!
I have faced My worse Fear.. Still scares the hell out of Me though.. and that is to come up on an MVC (Motor Vehicle Crash) and it be My signifigant other or a Family Member...
Happened with My now Ex Girlfriend who decided it was a good idea to smoke Marijuana and take some Xanax and Aderol and drive home.. no Kidding 1 mile from her home she got into a 80mph collision which cut her car in half from bumper to bumper half ejecting her from the vehicle AND SHE LIVED! upon arriving on scene I instantly recognised her and We got to work Extricating her from the vehicle ( 2007 Honda Accord) and asked permission to hitch a ride with the EC Unit..
Held her hand in My gloved hand all the way to Trauma 1 and after it was all said and done I went outside Took My Helmet off and found a nice dark corner and cried.. She lived ( Continued)
Of course now when I look back on it it was sort of silly to cry about it cause she lived with no signifigant injury other than a concussion and a burn between her first and middle finger where she was holding a cigarette .. I guess it just hit Me the wrong way..

Sgt Bobby J King
Madison County Div of Emergency Services
Firefighter Rescue Tech
My biggest fear is getting one of my a-shifter's hurt by making a bad decision. it scare the hell out of me!!
I have 2 at this stage of the game:

A. Having one of my guys/gals on shift get hurt or killed on an incident.

B. Retirement, I have 7 yrs or so to go and I need to plan for what I am going to do after retirement.
If put in the situation, not being able to get my partner out of a building ... it would be hard to get back on the truck after something like that. And also being trapped inside a fire and having no one on the scene know I'm down or my location. This just happened nearby, God bless and RIP, and it made us reflect on a lot of things we rarely think about. We do have a dangerous job and we can't forget that. Stay safe everyone, God bless.
I would have to say two of my biggest fears are not making it home either by a collapsed ceiling or going through a floor.
Even know I ain't a fireman yet. I'm affraid I would be ready to go in a building to save a fire fighters life but won't be allowed in cause of the danger.

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