In a discussion on a different website there was a comment about getting firetrucks and equipment from GSAXCESS for little or no cost to the department. From what I have gathered so far, the Federal Government buys everything under the sun, they keep it for a couple years and buy some more. The old stuff is listed in GSAXCESS for a period of time then it is turned over to GSA auctions where the public can buy it. While it is in GSAXCESS it can be reallocated to other sections of government such as State, County and City and of course many fire departments fall into this category.

Does anyone know anything more than this about GSAXCESS, like how to search what is there, how to go about acquiring what you find etc....?

The small volley department that I am on could benefit greatly by this program if we could figure out how to go about it.

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All branches of the gov't get vehicles from GSA. Most are leased vehicles that are turned in at the end of the lease. I would contact Francine Mortenson to find out who in your area has the ability to receive property from GSA. Then contact them to get into the website. I believe throughout Montana it is the DNRC folks.

Francine Mortensen



Clearfield , UT 84016-0037
Phone: (801) 825-3107

Fax: (801) 774-9681

(801) 774-9879

Thanks for the info Mike. I will try to contact Francine on Monday. Maybe I will be able to get information on who in the area can help me out. Thanks again.

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