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I feel im having a battle of wits with two unarmed opponents!
They're not a problem in my large Urban department. Interview to get hired, wear long sleeves (as you should be doing anyway). There are some guys and a couple of the ladies with some visible tattoos. Some of guys have sleeves, does this affect their ability to do their jobs? Nope!
where in the origanal post did it say OFFENSIVE? It simply said how do you feel about Tattoo's. I have them and simply said its no ones business what i do with my body. You people are the ones adding the "offensive" phrase. Should I say I refuse to go help this person because they offended me? See the post from both sides! i'm simply saying, its your body do what you want. If you choose not to get one that is your choice.
Nice, don't debate the points at hand, just hurl insults.
If Walt Disney had a tattoo of MIckey Mouse then that'd be fine, in my opinion. That is a character he created, a character that blossomed and brought him into the lime light.

The tattoos I am talking about are people getting pictures of a beer mug on their arm (Yes, I know someone who did that because they got a "deal on it").

It seems I stated my opinion in the wrong manner - I like tattoos, I really do. I've seen some beautiful works of art. My buddy is a tattoo artist, and he does elaborate tattoos that take 3-5+ hours to complete. They're beautiful, complex, colorful, and profound.

But, as I stated before, there are "stupid" tattoos. Tattoos that people will most likely look back on and say "What was I thinking?" There are people that get tattoos due to a bet, or even when they're drunk for fun (Yes, I've also heard this story many times as well). People need to realize that these are PERMANENT (well, mostly, unless you want to get that painful tattoo removal procedure).

As for the tribal tattoos - there was a fad a couple of years ago - everyone had tribal. People would get tribal and not even know what it means. Rather, they got it because it was "cool". If it has signficant meaning, then so be it, but just to get a design permanently drawn onto your body because some super star athlete or guy on MTV got it is ridiculous.

Then again, it is one's body, and it's your decision (well, it should be) what you want to do with it. Just realize that tattoos should be chosen responsibly (and with a sober mind). Think into the future - do you really want that tear drop tattooed on your face in 5-10-15-even 20 years down the road? How about that portrait of the whole Looney Tune gang on your ribs? Think about how your body will adjust. People's bodies change drastically over time, so the tattoos themselves will be warped.

I'm not keeping anyone from getting anything done - obviously. In fact, I don't find tattoos "unprofessional", as long as they're not vulgar in any manner.

As for my daughters name - text is completely different when it comes to a tattoo. My daughter's name has a signficant meaning, and if someone asks from a foreign country that cannot read English, I can tell them "that's my daughters name".

At Jack --

Have you seen some of the tribal tattoos people are getting, or have gotten? I have talked to many people that have gotten them, and I've talked to tattoo artists regarding this as well; Many people get these because they're "in", they were the current fad at the time.

If it has significant meaning, then fine. But from what I've seen, most people get them "just because".
Oh, you guys.

There's a substantial difference between self-mutilation and tattoos. I don't understand how you can even contrast the two, honestly. Are you that close-minded regarding art?

Why does it matter what, or who, is the canvas? Although I kind of hate to say it - anything can be construed as art. Anything involving soveriegn creativity can be deemed art. Graphic design is art. Painting is art. Tattooing is art. I'd even consider dancing and instrument playing art. It's absract; It allows the creator, whether they're a painter, guitarist, dancer, tattoo artist the room to create an open-minded, complex piece of art, tangible or not.

It's all in the eye of the beholder. Some people deem me crazy for saying that tattoos are art, but it's what I believe. People have believed in crazier things.

And, as I said before, "to each their own."

Stay safe, gentlemen.
anything can be construed as art

It's absract; It allows the creator, whether they're a painter, guitarist, dancer, tattoo artist the room to create an open-minded, complex piece of art, tangible or not.

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

While I agree that a lot of tattoos are idiotic in nature,

Tattoos of cartoon characters and tribal patterns are stupid

So you are now judging that which you said should not be judged? Isn't it up to the creator (as you said) whether something is idiotic or abstract or art?
Yeah - it's in the eye of the beholder, to an extent.

It's like comparing the Mona Lisa to someone drawing a few circles on a piece of paper - they both took effort, and one has profound meaning, whereas the other is a simple design that holds no value. Artists can indefinitely tell the difference in value when comparing the two "works".

Did that clarify it for you? Like I said, this is just my opinion. To you, tribal tattoo may be the most ultimate cool things created since the advent of yo-yos. Who knows?
Yeah - it's in the eye of the beholder, to an extent

No, it IS the eye of the beholder, plain and simple. Ever go to a modern art museum? Ever watch the reactions of others discussing a piece of art? It does boil down to one's opinion and everyone IS entitled to their own.

It's like comparing the Mona Lisa to someone drawing a few circles on a piece of paper - they both took effort, and one has profound meaning, whereas the other is a simple design that holds no value. Artists can indefinitely tell the difference in value when comparing the two "works".

Completely debatable, the Mona Lisa is considered a priceless work of art, but also does dwell off the fact of who the artist was. Same thing with other famous pieces of art, it can depend upon the artist moreso than the could look at a Warhol or Picasso and think a two year old did the art, but because of the artist, such work can be deemed more valued than some unknown artist. One could argue that a student's artwork hanging on the classroom wall is better and more provoking than even a Picasso, but one is considered more "valuable" (at least monetarily) because of the artist, moreso than the art.

My point is that when it comes to art it boils down to the opinion of the person and that is it. So for you to say that a tribal pattern or cartoon is stupid, it is your opinion, but it doesn't mean one who gets one doesn't find their own value in such a design.
I have a few myself, and each one means something to me... I personally believe that tattooing is a great form of self expression, as long as they mean something to the person they are on...

However, each of my tattoos are easily concealed by what I wear, so they don't stick out like dogs balls in my every day life...
"so they don't stick out like dogs balls in my every day life..." bwwwwhaaaa I'm sorry but that was one of the best responses ever.

So is the general thought all tattoos should be covered or just offensive ones? because its really personal beliefs on what is offensive. Someone mentioned a swastika might find it offensive but if someone has it on their body then one would have to assume that person doesn't think its offensive.

I admit I have tattoos and yes some are Navy related IE I have a mermaid on my upper arm that is topless. So yes when I'm working I make sure its covered. I don't want to expose a topless woman to say a child patient. But I tried to plan ahead on my tattoos and made sure they are all above short sleeve area.
Well, since what is offensive is rather subjective (as is art) my personal opinion is they should all be covered.

Do you really know what is going to offend someone?

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