Conversation for single

(non-married) FFN members

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Chief Mike France


Views: 1719

Replies to This Discussion

thanks heather, sorry i'm in and out of this room. too bad we don't have an IM type of chat here. that would be cool but maybe overload the servers? i dunno. workin on the ambo today, just trying to get through this last half hour then i'm outta here!! where's all the single ladies? i'm not trying to leg-hump or anything, but dang, it is a SINGLES SOCIAL CHAT ROOM! haha, have a great day all, stay safe!
women like to be chased ;-)

so stop by and say to each of them... or post a comment on their person profile page and invite them to come chat with you...

be the primal male hunter - we chicks like that ;-)

what did you think? All the ladies were going to be sitting around at home on their computer JUST WAITING for you to stop by and be free to chat ??? LOLOLOLOLOL

i'm just sayin...

p.s. say hi to ALL girls - since ALL girls are related and friends with MORE GIRLS... and we like to put in good words for those guys we like when we recommend them to our friends...

and THANKS for considering ME (single lady) - chopped liver ;-) j/k
heather, you crack me up. i don't consider you chopped liver!! don't you live in cali? we can always be friends but i think that's a bit far for a romantic relationship. haha. but i'm also not about to start spamming up people's walls, that IS leg humping for sure. i was just making an observation about the single girls and where they might be. how's your day today?
first off I on live in Cali temporarily until I finish school - BUT it shows your true self-limiting beliefs - that you are limited in your partner options... at least in your regional demands...

1 in 5 marriages now start from online relationships - so OPEN YOUR MIND to WHERE that lady MIGHT live... right now... people can ALWAYS MOVE !!!

and we all have LOTS of single female friends... so tell us what you are looking for ???

and I wasn't hitting on you... I was just giving you shit... cause you were whining ;-)

LEG HUMPING - OMG - I am laughing so hard I about wet myself...

I did not say post a naked picture on their pages, just a "Hi, how ya doing?" IT IS CALLED "GREETING" and "INTRODUCING YOURSELF" and "PLEASANTRIES" and "MEET AND GREET" and a thousand other things !!!

think of it like a crowded room - we want the man to walk over to us and say hi and strike up a conversation... so online saying hi on their page and commenting to a few of their posts and showing interest in things in their life OPENS the conversation UP... maybe even post a picture, like sunset or cute animal or a flower

and if you don't WANT suggestions on how to build relationships from a women about women... that is fine... just keep doing what you are doing... since it is working so well for you ;-)

and at least leg humping shows intentionality, passion, and desire and a little hunter male activity that we women like - so don't knock it !!!

and me I almost got driving off the road yesterday by some crazy driver who passed me on a corner - by driving off the road in the sand and grass around me... so i am glad to be here ... giving you sh*t ;-)
oh yeah... since I seem to be this social room's hostess...

I will LET you be MY friend :-)

and glad I could make you laugh... that was my goal :)
whoa, easy tiger. i think we are miscommunicating a little. here's a couple thoughts - 1. how could i feel good about asking a woman to move away from her family and hometown when i wouldn't be willing to do the same? i can't go anywhere, simply because of my child and my job, which i love. and now i'm too old to try out for another department. i would never want to leave this department anyway. 2. don't you think that women get sick of random guys hitting on them on the intarwebz? if you look at most women's pages, (not just on this site)they are littered with greetings from from every single guy that has seen the page. if i was a single girl, i would be tired of it. just sayin.

don't get me wrong, i meet new people on a daily basis. i'm outgoing and friendly and enjoy meaningful convo. and trust me when i say i am a hunter. ;-)haha finding someone who is semi-nearby, who is also willing to put up with the schedule a FF/EMT must keep, and is not looney tunes is quite a challenge.

i'm not picky at all, how about a reasonably attractive single woman who wants to be affectionate and enjoy and share the joys of life? get outside and do stuff in the yard, go to the track and watch the bikes haul a$$? maybe she would even want to learn how to ride as well. now i am dreaming....

heather can we hug and make up? didn't mean to get you fired up. have a great day!!
LOLOLOL - no making up needed - LOLOL... but sure... since you called me tiger ;-)... and I am a hugger... so feel hugged...

now on to your numbered list (LOLOL)...

1) So you are not going to talk to and "become friends" with single women who do not already live near you... but that is not working out... hmmm?

Most single women I know do not currently "live" where they ultimately want to live, nor do they currently live near their families - now that they are grownups.

Plus remember the Bible says "Leave and cleave" as in leave your parents and cleave to your spouse.

Most people that I know who move from friends to dating have the conversation about moving within a few chats or so about "what is going on with your life and what are your plans for the future and would you consider seriously dating long-distance or moving to be with a partner?" ya know, some of those questions.

See like me, I live in CA for school only... and I am done shortly... and can live anywhere while I finish my dissertation. My family is spread all over the country. And I can essentially live anywhere in the world - my only restrictions at this point would be somewhere there is a war, some place where no one speaks my only language, English, and some place where women are treated like property or second-class citizens. Other-than-that I would prefer to live where my man feels happy and content... as would most single women I know... since when our men are happy, we are glad - thus we can live just about anywhere with our men.

I use me as an example... not a proposition ;-)

and assuming that you have control of her moving decision is a bit over-the-top... let the girl make her own decision... you pose what you want and then give her space to say what she wants

something to think about...

gotta run... so item #2, etc. will have to be answered later ;-)
i would never feel "in control" of someone, especially in a decision like that, so i apologize if i sounded like that. it was unintentional. i appreciate your input, maybe i've never met anyone willing to pick up and move a 1000 miles for someone. when i do, she will be a keeper cause she obviously must love me A LOT to do something like that!
that's what I LIKE TO HEAR !!!

an open-mind !!!
always open-minded and easy to get along with. so when u movin?
my brother and his wife negotiated (before marriage) that they would live 5 years near her family in OH, then 5 near his in VT, and back and forth...

however, then they had kids and found that they liked to live somewhere in between... so now they live in PA

your attachment to your FD will become less once your attachment to your partner becomes greater (probably), thus you will see yourself on ANY department more easily.

since you have a son, it becomes a little bit more complicated (if there is a bio-mom involved)... a good woman will understand that and support your son's stability... but your son will be stable where-ever YOU are stable...

airplanes and cars are quite handy these days... and can bridge the distance between families... anyone actually...

and as far as moving... I have 5 friends this year alone that moved more than 2000 miles to be with their partners... so it is way more common than you may realize...

and my one housemate's wife just arrived in California this week from India - so how many miles away is that ?

my other housemate's husband is in Dubai working right now, while his wife is here in CA finishing school - for another month before returning to Dubai - so how many mile away is that ?

one of my doctorate classmates is a Queen from a tribe in Africa - which she rules - and she lives in CA and met a man here and got married here - all while ruling her tribe from the US. When she finishes school next year she will physically return to her tribe - with a Doctorate Degree, a new husband, and a new baby on the way.

I could go on - but you get the point.

Finding a GOOD MAN and a NICE MAN is hard - so we women will do what it takes to build relationships with men who are good... and nice... since life is about people, not things, or money... so moving is a people decision...
wow, interesting.....


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