Bin Laden's Death.. how do you feel about and what are some of your thoughts on everything that is happing?

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Do you believe that people who work or shop at WalMart are somehow less deserving of liberty than the rest of us, based on IQ, how they look, or whatever?

The rest of your post has nothing to do with WalMart, unless WalMart is now running the schools or malls.

As for profiling potential terrorists, I have no problem with profiling the group that's most likely to commit terrorist acts. On the other hand, once we profile them, we can't do anything about it - at least, according to Jack - because it's supposedly un-Constitutional to lock them up without meeting the legal standard for guilt under criminal law.
Thanks for taking the bait. Mayfield doesn't fit the group you were arguing about, for several reasons. First, he is a U.S. citizen, not an alien. Second, he had habeus corpus - he was released after two weeks. Third, he had all kinds of civil recourse including a settlement.

Jack, you have frankly passed disengenuous a long time ago with your continued mischaracterizations in your chronic lame attempts to paint my positions as something they are not instead of just sticking to the point. That's not the hallmark of someone who is really interested in honest, logical, fact-based debate.

I apologize for stooping to your level.
...says the guy who starts the insults and then complains about being insulted. LMAO.

You are the master of poutrage when anyone dares to disagree with you, though, and not for the first time here.

And back on topic, there has still not been a single documented challenge to the Patriot Act based upon that supposed un-Constitutionality and loss of liberty that you insist has occurred. I wonder why you can't get any lawyers to take that case for you???
Maybe they - like I - know it's a Born Loser, due to having no legal merit.

Get back to me when the federal court system hears the first case based on something even remotely like what you claim.

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