check out my Females in the Fire service Group. I am not man bashing at all. I am just stating that i believe women that can do the job deserve equality!!! I do understand that there are women out there that cant...'cuz I have them on my department TOO, however those are the ones that give chics like me who love to get dirty and get hot ( in a fire the that is) a bad name. Tell me your thoughts.

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Like the old Harley Davidson line...If I have to explain you wouldn't understand.
Seriously, I may be out of turn, because I could only get through some of the comments. My stomach started to turn. You first must learn that equality is a myth. Nobody is equal. I will never run as fast as Chad Johnson, or throw as far as Favre. But I should be able to play in the NFL because simply it isn't fair, and I should be equal to those guys.... Come on. All governmental jobs now have lowered standards to "make the playing field level" I feel your pain. I was not treated equally until, I proved myself on the job, and heck I am a white guy! The "old boys club" should have let me in on looks alone right? The reality is that the people you should be upset with are the ones that forced the lowering of standards. Not the guys that had it shoved down their throats. I agree there are guys I do not want backing me up, but I gotta deal with it. Just do your job, and don not cut slack for anyone that cannot. Sorry, but as a female FF you are and will be lumped in with the skirts that got the job because.... Yes you have to prove you are a good FF every day, but you knew that going in. My reputation is not solidified either. If I mess up on a call I'll be talked about also. I don't complain that it needs to be changed, I just do my best, and leave it all on the field.

If you can't keep this thread civil, we'll remove it.

Web Chief
yes i totally agree with you Rachel being a female on the job you do need to earn the respect of your male counterparts because alot of the time they just think we are stupid women.I too believe any woman deserves to be treated fairly if they can handle the job.I love fighting fires and wouldnt trade it for the world,grannit i have only been on the dept for a short time but i am not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.This is my career and i have proven that i deserve to be in this profession just as much as any man.There are actually women out there that fight fires better than men so what does that say about them??
Sorry, but i think this discussion has gone in some strange directions other than the original intent that Rachel had in mind. The colors of equipment???!!? People stating that they can do the job better than the opposite sex?!? Using a single person's ignorance to show that their entire sex is ignorant or incompetant??!?

As far as I'm concerned there is ONLY ONE issue people judge women in the fire service unfairly because of their sex. The answer is....absolutely yes. Part of that is a systematic problem of how many women have gotten their jobs in the fire service, and that is the issue of the lowering of the standards to accommodate women's physical qualites. NOTHING (at least not in our lifetimes of service) is going to change that perception.

All this means in the grand scheme of things, however, is that females in the fire service have a LITTLE MORE proving to do on the fireground. Everyone who enters the fire service is judged in a less than generous light until they prove themselves on the fireground - that's always the way it's been, and in my opinion should continue. Your religious beliefs, hair color, skin color, sex, sexual orientation, or whether you're a dog person or cat person doesn't mean sh!t to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will judge you (fairly or not) strictly on how you conduct yourself on the fireground.

And that's the way it is...............................................
Rachel One problem I see in your statement "I am just stating that i believe women that can do the job deserve equality" 1st of all, Respect isnt just automaticly given, Respect is earned, In most situations respect is expected, But one has to earn respect , that includes me or anyone out there Male or Female.. If You feel Yournot getting respect in your Company or Job or whatever, You should really take a Good look at what your doing in that place, and more over What you can do to gain respect ....In a place like this forum (if this is the issue obviously its harder to show everyone how you can hold your own... sometimes Jokes like the one You made above "however those are the ones that give chics like me who love to get dirty and get hot ( in a fire the that is) a bad name." Dosent nessisarily make things better being a flirty "chick" rather then a firefighter, Public safety worker ..Make it sound like your Focus is on doing the job, and not so much on finding someone to bonk... And honestly, this was based on A 1st impression of Your Post, without reading any answers of anything.. I might be totally off base If so sorry, But its just how I saw your post.. Iam not bashing females or you at all... and in some ways I suppose this could just be one of those situations Too .. :(
it says "takes me forever to do it!" to me sounds like shee can do it, it just take her a little bit come on it sounds like you just splitting hairs
Thank you for that!!!! I am the creator of this thread and this was neve my intention for this to go where is has!!! This was designed to allow people to vent NOT to attack each other... BROTHERS AND SIISTERS... or so I thought thats what we called each other in this industry!!!! Remembe we are ech different and that is a great thing... if we werent it would be a very borin world. We are all here to compliment eachother and work together side byside through the great fires and the really bad MVC or Trauma calls.. or what ever life deals our way!!! I had a n officer come to me the other day and say that he was glad there are women in the fire service because we can be emotional at times.. At first i was put of byt his response until I gave him the time to explain!!!! The he said there are time that we are hard nosed and get down and dirty with them, but he also likes the fact that we have the emotion n us to help see the things that they miss and are sometimes to "hard assed" to see. SO there you have it we all need each other. SO Maybe i am sorry for the way this thread has gone... cant we all just put the BS behind us and be a family????????
I cna understand how you could interpret my post like that.. But i suppose sometimes I feel the need to justify that i mean no sexual conitation to what i say as online sometimes it isnt easy to detect the inflection that someone meant and how the message was to come across. SO that is the only reason I felt the need to clarify my statement, but thanks for your point of view.
Maybe the chain saw's a piece of sh! I know there's one on one of our engines that I can't start...but I'm not the only one. Somethings should be taken out of service but they're not.
Besides...there are sooo may things that I can do that the guys actually ask for my help on...why is it always okay for them to ask for help or not be perfect at every single aspect of this profession...but not okay for us chicks?
Maybe we just shouldn't be so critical.
NO i dont object to people beinh Honest!!!! I think if more of us would be then things would go smoother!!!! I can take constructive critism.... as long as it is constructive and has merit!!!
Thanks for getting it!!!

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