Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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If youse takes enough of them jawns ya prolly graduates, knowhatimeans?
Sho 'nuff.
Yeah...I think I read that post too quickly!!!!

"Mudd Mister"- Jack is always on my case!!!
And I am homeschooled!!!

Rachel ... you are not alone!
You may just be having a hard time understanding what goes on around here. The 'mudd' comment was about a comment on how one sees what one looks for (go back a page and read it). The subsequent replies stemmed from that. Really it 'wasn't' about you.

I'm on your case no more than anyone else's, if you think so then that may be one of those clues that you've yet to attain an appropriate level of maturity for FFN. Don't let comments by "others" convince you you're right, instead look to see what THEIR issue/agenda is (you'd be surprised the agendas that some in here have.)

Some people just like to form drum circles, hold hands, sing kumbaya, hand out cyber hugs and tell everyone that they did an "excellent jobe". Watch and read, they are almost never actual firemen, usually hanger ons, wannabes and "fans".
Well I would have a use for most of them me being licensed by the FCC as a technician class amateur radio operator LOL. I have no stickers at the present time but I may get a small star of life and small maltese cross.
Well the only sticker I have on my vehicle is a department issued maltese with the department name on it. We were given them, not only for the police in our town to decipher who the FD members in town are, but also our new hall we opened up last summer is right in near the park where they set off the fire works during our Canada Day celebrations, and we have them to prevent any non FD personnell coming into the parking lot and clogging it up so bad we are unable to get any apparatus if we are to get a call during the fire works show.....

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