Does your department assign RIT to the ALS ambulance crew, and what are your thoughts on this practice?

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Hi it's me the Canadian F/F and I have continued to follow this thread in amazment. it seems to me we are your slower cousins and over the years we have slowly followed your examples. You introducede the medivac concept and we eventually followed suit, prior to that you took to staffing ambulances with better and better trained crews not the boys from the funeral home and again we followed suit, defibs, as well took that path and now you are far ahead with cross trained F/Fs. We need to overcome two different goverment agencies and two di8stinct unions, we are starting to share quarters so maybe eventually we will crosstrain as per your example. We have greatly increased our knowledge as first responders but still need to train better. I have followed this article and have discussed it with some of my brothers. Hopefully we will see the light and again follow your example and improve our service . Thanks for a great article for thought.
Just bears mentioning again, there is a difference between 2 in and 2 out and RIT, a RIT operation for real will typically take more than just two people. A minimum RIT crew should be at least 4 people. You really don't see too many ambulances staffed with 4 personnel.

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