What You Do Outside the Firehouse (Choices) Are As Important As What You Do On Duty

What you do outside fiehouse is as important as what you do when in the firehouse. people love to see anyone in public service muck up.. remember that!  what we represent is not  just our  Company (SLFD CO#61)  but firefighters as a whole..what you say.. who you say it too, and where you say ,it will come back to you.,. be it good or bad

  be safe out there!!!



Black Hat in Wisconsin

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everything in life comes down to choices. They determine what we do and where we go in life. I constantly preach to my kids about the importance of the choices they make and how it will effect their future.
well said Branden, We always need to be professional on and off duty :)
I had an old Fire Captain once tell me that it only takes one ah shit to take away all the attaboy's... It wasn't until years later that I came across the following advise that I share with all new firefighters. Break one of my rules and you know things won't turn out right.

1. Don't Complain
2. Don't Explain
3. Don't Say Bad Things About Anyone
4. Don't Give Advise Because No One Ever Listens Anyway

Don't wear any part of your uniform when you're not at work. That right there eliminates 99% of the problems. The other 1% are going to screw up no matter what they do for work.

That being said, we're firemen (and EMT's, Ralph), not gods. The only time that screwing up really works against a department is at contract time. People are just looking for a handy scapegoat. On the other hand, people will like or dislike FF's regardless of the press.

Now if you tear around town, lights all ablaze and driving like an idiot, and/or if your department prides itself on its ability to save foundations, then screwing up away from your department probably isn't going to have much of an impact. Your taxpayers already know what to expect from their *fire department*.

Or put another way, if you're a putz on duty you're gonna be one off duty too.
Don't wear any part of your uniform when you're not at work.

A lot of tight knit communities (where everyone knows everyone) know whether you're a fireman on duty or off. Same for a lot of municiples such as the Chief, Code Inspector, or a face the public sees often. Not wearing the uniform DOES eliminate about 99 percent of the problem, that other 1 percent comes from the people who know you're a fireman even if you're in swimtrunks.

My point mainly is that we represent our community both on and off duty, Dress Blues/Tees or regular clothes. You have to always take in consideration your actions in public because while the whole town may not know that you're a fireman, it only takes one.
Thank you all..... with a volunteer department it becomes easy to be complacent, but what were trying to do is set a higher standard for our newcommers... ain't easy..
very true i know someone who was wearing one of our work shirts outside of the fire house when they got drunk at a bar and thrown out. this member is no longer with the company. goes to show dont be stupid

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