NEVER FORGET 18 Years ago 2-26-93 the first World Trade Center attack took place killing 6 civilians and wounding over a thousand.....
Never Forget...The bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City
Please keep the victims of 2-26-93 in your hearts.
Ground Zero at 12:18 p.m., the truck bomb exploded February 26, 1993. Four of the six people killed in the attack worked for the World Trade Center's owner, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Most of the victims were having lunch in their basement office, adjacent to the parking garage where terrorists parked their explosives-laden van. Bob Kirkpatrick, 61, Steven Knapp, 47, and Bill Macko, 57, were mechanical supervisors for the transportation agency. Monica Rodriguez Smith was Macko's secretary. All were killed in the bombing. The fifth and sixth victims were Wilfred Mercado, 37, who worked for the Windows on the World restaurant atop the North Tower and was checking in food deliveries in the basement, and John DiGiovanni, 45, a dental salesman who was in the parking garage when the bomb exploded. Another thousand people suffered injuries. It took 11 hours to evacuate some 50,000 people from the complex. The blast from the homemade 1,500-pound urea-nitrate bomb blew a hole five stories deep and half-a-football field wide. The explosion badly damaged the tower's inner support beams and caused $500 million in property damage. But the twin towers were repaired, cleaned, and reopened in less than a month.