So what is the funniest thing you have ever said to dispatch or heard over the radio? 


"The roads are slicker than goose snot" (neighboring station, this still has a rolling)


"Standy by for clear code or you can pick one" (my station, I could not find our code book)


So what have you done to make dispatch laugh, shake their heads, and go "Really?"

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working midnight shifts was the best. when i would cover the radio, I liked to mess with my crew, and play the beginning of AC/DC's Hells Bells, just the "gong", for whatever time it was , when doing a radio/time test.
well, my usual crew was used to it, and would just laugh when they would hear ...say.... 2 gongs,,,,, then " KGC380 testing at 0200 hrs." one night, I have a fill in supervisor, and I go about my business, at 0300. well, seems that the supervisor was out in his truck, had been driving around, and decided to pull into a hidden lot for a quick "nap" of course, he had the volume turned up full so he wouldnt miss the time test. after the 0300 time test, he came into the station, white as a ghost, and had to change his uniform pants. he laughed afterwards, but wasn't initially thrilled with the fact that I scared him so bad he peed himself. oops
Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!
We had a dispatcher dispatch a gas leak one time and said a gas leak of the natural type and you could hear her start laughing. We also had a Lt. get on seen of a car accident and start counting the nuber of cars involved over the radio
Recently, we got a call for an MVC car into ditch. While they were dispatching, one dispatcher had already set the tones off and started saying what he had to say and while he was talking another dispatcher was setting the tones off for an EMS call. In the background you could here aother person yelling " I GOT THIS STOP TALKING". I had a good laugh at that one. Two dispatchers trying to talk over eachother is very interesting.
We have had chiefs in my dept come up with different things to say over the radio thru the years.
One came up on a working fire in a building and said "Chief ## to communications. The JOINTS JUMPIN GIVE ME THE BOX.
Or one Chief was having a dispute with communications over the hot line and they hung up on him and wouldn't pick it backup. So he went out to his car and got on the radio and said "CHIEF ## to communications you can't hang up on me now.
Then there have been communications flubs.
One dispatcher had a time with the name of a club because he couldn't stop laughing to get the call out.
The name was the FUNKEY DONKEY.
Then there was the time a fire crew was told to call the power company direct and they tried over the fire service radio when they seen the power company coming up the road.
Many Many radio flubs out there.
I'm sitting in dispatch and hear one of the departments we share a channel with get toned for a cat stuck in the wall of a trailer. Well super troopers the movie had been out for a short time and you could imagine the radio traffic. Blue Island 2102 is enroute meyow! 2102 we have you enroute meyow! for the rest of the night it was meyow after everything lol.
wheni was a kid i heard my town getting a tone out for a possible structure fire at a titty club. my father who is a medically retired firefighter from another town was waiting to hear something before he took me along to buff it. and 3 minutes later here's what was said " HOLY SHIT THE BOOBIES ARE BURNING SEND ME MUTUAL AID". and from what i remember there was a fire only problem was nothing was showing when we got there 3 minutes after hearing that.

and finally i hear this story all the time from either my grandfather, father or the really old timers in the firehouse. my town has only one building that's higher then 5 floors. on christmas night back in the mid or later 70s said building had a fire break out on one of the upper floors. the only thing i remember from the story which was confirmed by the 80 year old ex chief that said it that night "WHO EVER CAN HEAR MY VOICE I NEED TRUCKS AND AMBULANCES AT (address deleted) NOW WHATEVER YOU CAN SEND GET IT HERE NOW" and from what i was told there was a response all the way into the next county west and the southern tip of my county one of the apparatus to respond was the ladder truck that had my father and grandfather on board.
HA HA ya sounds like one of our neighbouring stations as well.
In my home town we have two roads, they are as such, This RD and That RD. This is not a joke ither, even have one community here with a Tattle Tale RD. I offten wonder who comes up with some of the roads Ive seen driven truck as well.
Well I have one on myself , that the guys dont let me live down. One drill night, we went to one of our Chief's bosses places, to look at a possible ellectrical problem. As well as the smell of smoke, that was in a horse barn. I was driving one of the engines, and noticed a man walking in the dark with dark clothing. Behind him was a bunch of kittens that kept following him. I got on the radio and warned the guys behind me not to hit the guy or the " KITTY KATS " for I barely saw them in the dark. So now they have dubbed me KITTY KAT, not to sure how to get out of this one.
Just Meow and purr... :)
Say that name ten times fast... lol

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