i'm 16 years old and although not an adult, i am regarded in my dept. as a full member of the team. im just not an interior firefighter.
i often get bumped off the truck for our interior firefighters, should they show up, (which i def. don't mind. i'd rather the situation gets under control professionally, then them be shortstaffed with me there)
but im wondering, what constitutes a jr from an explorer and a jr from a ff.
i've yet to take the ff1 course but theyre still taking me to scenes and asking me to do stuff (mostly gopher work) but what in your department would i be called?
is a jr a probie for you?

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An explorer is basically someone involved through the Learning for Life program. It is basically a program to allow teens to see what the job of FF entails and give them a taste to help that person decide if this would be a job they may be interested in in the future. The program's biggest asset is that each member is covered by insurance through the program and the program also clearly spells out what an explorer can and can't do.
A junior or cadet is basically the same thing, but the department itself runs the program. The issues there are that the dept is on the hook for insurance and since they make their own rules, can be held liable for such decisions. What makes one a jr or explorer is basically the magic age of 18. (although explorers can go to 21)

A probie is a newly hired FF.

The issues seen, like the two latest thread regarding juniors etc, is that junior programs are not held to the same rules that govern explorers, although they probably should be. Generally speaking you see more career depts that have an explorer program and more volly depts with a junior program. Argument being a volly dept can prep the kids through a jr program and when they turn 18, they can become full members. Whereas an explorer program is just geared to show what the job is like to help a kid make a decision if FF is a job they may want to pursue.

On our dept you would be an explorer and subject to the rules of Learning for Life.
If you were to get hired, you are a probie for a year.
hm thank you. (: in my dept anyone under 16 is an explorer/jr and otherwise is a probie when newly hired.
i actually think all departments should really force upon newbies an "explorer" year, because I joined the fire community not knowing ANYTHING about it. legit i didn't know the difference between a rescue truck and tanker. i just knew they were both red ahaha. but i think it'd be good to give and beginning firefighter a year of exploring so you dont commit to something you don't want to do.
Being a "probie" is just that, a probationary FF that is LEARNING the trade and probies should be legal adults.

Juniors/cadets/explorers are NOT firefighters. Sorry, they are still children. Don't get mad at me, get older.
Don't let being a junior member discourage you, there's plenty you can do outside. FDNY has an entire role for the "Outside Vent Man" or OVM. Someone needs to start pitching laddars, assisting with water supply, set up fans, do the "gopher" work. The IC will want a person that can run around and check things so he can stay at the command post. We have a ton of blokes here that can't use BA, but we sure mange to work 'em on the fireground!
In my Department you would be called someones kid....you donot belong on a Fire scene or EMS call unless the Departments insurance would cover you....and ours for one will not...You are not legally of age to give consent...that makes someone else responsible for you and no-one in their right mind would take that on at an emergency scene....18 and you are good to go....but NOT before that.....Paul
Wait a minute I thought BA stood for bad ass? No wonder the captain was looking at my like I was an idiot the other day at the fireground! I get it now, He wanted an SCBA!

--Whacker Dust
My Dept has a few membership levels
Cadet - similar to an explorer from what i've read - age 14 & 15
all work at the station or special community events, does not respond for calls
Junior - age 16 & 17
begins to "learn the ropes" as a gopher and to soak up as much informal training as possible. as defined by New Jersey is NOT involved in ANY fire extinguishment even the use of extinguishers in live situations.these guys and girls can be bumped off the truck for firefighters
Firefighter and Probie - 18 and up
Until a person graduates the county academy and passes the state test they pretty much have the same status as a junior execpt having the ability to drive ( if certified ) and some exterior hoseline work if it doesn't involve SCBA.

Caroline in my dept you would be a junior.I've been there and it isn't the glory work but it is real life on the job training. Time will turn and soon you will able to take your spot on the truck. The most I can say is pay attention, learn, stay safe and have fun!
im not mad at you! haha. im a probie, and regarded as such in my department. though im not a legal adult, im not an explorer, jr, or cadet.
thanks (: it doesn't discourage me, but i'm not regarded as a jr in my dept. im a probie which to my understanding is not a jr. though my age range falls within the opposite of an adult..a junior? ahah
still unsure with all the labels! i take it it varies from dept. to dept. at least in mine i was sworn in as a member and im on the plaque of names with everyone else as an exterior firefighter. thank you though! im looking forward to being the gopher and actually gettin stuff done on the fireground. i'm not so sure i'll ever want to go interior as i dont know i could fulfill the right requirements. but thanks for the sweet answer.
my mom signed the form of consent regarding my health etc. and my department does take the responsibility of me on at an emergency scene. im regarded as a probie in my dept. not explorer, jr, or cadet. i was sworn in as an exterior firefighter and when im 18 i become interior if i so choose.
at least at my station i had an interview and character assesment before they let me join. for that reason..that i would be capable of being responsible for myself at an emergency scene.
thanks for your input though!
phew. thank you for breaking it down like this in the simplest way possible. (:
interesting..what state are you in?
and thank you. in my department im regarded as a probie which you can apply to be at 16. but you can't be interior until 18. i still don't do any scba stuff, and dont plan on it until im 18 and even then im not sure i want to become interior.
and true, i dont mind being bumped off the truck for a sr member who is more trained in the situation. ive extinguished 2 fires in my life, neither of them with with dept. but on my own on my property. so obviously my experience is nowhere near a sr members ahahah. but thanks for the great input. i definately pay attention, learn, soak up experience, and stay safe.

oh and having fun comes from all of those.

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