So what is the funniest thing you have ever said to dispatch or heard over the radio? 


"The roads are slicker than goose snot" (neighboring station, this still has a rolling)


"Standy by for clear code or you can pick one" (my station, I could not find our code book)


So what have you done to make dispatch laugh, shake their heads, and go "Really?"

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Better to be dizzy that ditzy.
Gotta love dispatchers.
I was asked to giev more water once on a burn to learn.... Nearly knocked him on his butt....
Long, long ago in a very rural department far away tones go off for a working structure fire on Route ##( approx 3 road miles from the firehouse) the road from the firehouse intersected that road the first out truck driver needed to know whether to turn left or right. He gets on the radio and says to the Chief already on scene..." Which way do I... HOLY SH## I can see it from here!" Needless to sayEverybody came out of the woodwork for that one.

Of course radio reports from ambulance to hospital can be just as funny...we had one guy call in that he was transporting the pt in the "laying position"...we did explain to him that there is more than one position...
Such a polite invitation....

My station was toned out for a standby at the main station one night with a neighboring town. We ended up going on a call to a house where a lady had fallen on the steps and needed to be transported. She was not small and you could hear one of the EMT's grunting as he was lifting her. I guess he did this at all calls that required him to help lift regardless of the persons size.
in tears... lol... laying position.... love it....
That was my first thought.... hehehe
Nearly choked on my coffee... lol
I am literally in tears right now....
Years ago ,(about 18-20) my department was called out for a unknown type fire on the play ground at the school, Since i drove the first arriving apparatus i was command till a officer arrived, I reported a "WORKING PLAY GROUND FIRE" The fire was actually in a garbage can next to the structure, we ended up with 2-engines , 1-pumper tanker, and about 30 people to put out the fire .
yes sir ! have done that! actually, have been on both sides of it. radio room was in tears the time it was done and the speak on the console was on.

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