It appears the Dynasty Wanxin Hotel was gutted but did not collapse. Has there been any other steel-frame building that has collapsed due to fire damage alone?

Odd that on 911 not one, not two, but three buildings collapsed due to fire. 

What do professional fire fighters think about this?

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Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.
Extraterrestrials now live among us in China and in U.S.A., newspapers report

The China ET report is corroborative of this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre's 4-part ExopoliticsTV interview and series with Jerry Wills, an apparent extraterrestrial from Tau Ceti who resides in the United States.
You do understand that the jet fuel was ignited within moments of the explosion. Steel regains it's strength with the fire is removed from it.
I'm trying to keep from insulting you, but you seem to turn a deaf ear to actual evidence.
I could see if I was claiming that Elvis was still alive or something totally crazy... but LOOK AT THIS PICUTURE and tell me that it looks like fire bringing down a building.
Super awesome. I'm not sure how big foot factors into the equation. But here's a BBC article about some of the Hijackers still being alive:

Tell me why you quickly believe the BBC when they hastily reported what happened that day, but you completely disregard later reports by the same organization that discredit their initial report?

Are you being open minded?
Go away!
Exactly, jet fuel ignited within seconds of the impact. I don't know the exact temperatures inside the towers but I can speculate that it was in the thousands of degrees (since ceiling temperatures in a SFD pre-flashover can reach 1200+ degrees), more than enough to heat and soften and subsequently cause to fail the steel supports. Steel regaining it's strength after the fire is removed is irrelevant (moreover, once heated in such a manner it loses it's original, fabricated strength, but again, irrelevant since the steel would have softened and sagged.)

That picture is the SAME one that keeps popping up, in this discussion and on other sites.
What is it supposed to be? An explosive charge going off? If so why only the ONE? Wouldn't a controlled demolition have charges on ALL of the structural supports on EVERY floor, rather than just that one little squib charge in your picture?

I think if you explore further into the events of 9/11 you'll find the picture with the devil's face in the smoke. I think perhaps that "the devil made me do it" could be an equally acceptable defense.
Have you considered that the terrorists used stolen identity papers to enter the country?
Naw...THAT would just be too far fetched.

Keep an eye on these guys for me, I have to go outside and feed my chupacabbra.
Nobody has answered my questions as to what we are doing in the middle east. THAT'S why I'm really here. If you want to believe that 19 guys in a cave changed America for the worse, then go ahead.

I'm here because everyone seems to think that starting wars in foreign lands and killing innocent people is somehow going to make things right or get our country back. HELL, I'll convert to your side, if that helps.

I hereby declare that I believe that 19 terrorists in a cave conspired in secret, without any assistance from people inside our government to attack America and were successful in crashing hijacked airliners into several buildings, killing a lot of people. - Rondo

This is what I actually care about.

I can deal with nutjobs doing evil things... hell, look what Hitler or Stalin did.... I get it that there are wackos out there.

I don't think starting a religious war is going to solve anything.

I am not afraid to fly on an airplane or get in a bus or go into a mall.. are you? I do not agree with the changes that have been made in America in the name of FEAR of Terrorism. Does having a security guard mess with my grandmothers colostomy bag make you feel safer on your flight?
So you'll readily give up on your belief that our government was behind 9/11, JUST so we'll answer you about why we're in the middle east? Seems some of your beliefs are little more than chimera.

I think the short answer to your question is; Oil.
Takes a lot of oil to keep them SUV's and F-350 super duty's running.
I truly wonder if our government starts wars of their own accord, or instead do so to satisfy whatever public demands is hottest. I've often wondered if we'd be better off with a benevolent dictator then the whims of the public.

But still...I'm not an unhappy camper. If the sky falls it falls. Which I think many conspiracists hope for, holed up in their reinforced bunkers, stockpiled with weapons and food and living (their) american dream.


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