I am a volunteer firefighter in rural georgia, and my department has always used our 1 1/2 preconnect as our primary attack lines. But while running mutual aid I have noticed other departments prefer to use booster line. I can see the convenience of booster line, its lighter, more maneuverable, and its a heck of alot easier to load on the truck. but on the other hand, you are sacrificing gallonage that may be necessary in the structure. I know each department is different, and have their own SOGs, so i would like to know what your SOGs say and what you prefer.

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our booster reels have forestry hose for brush fires not structers.
Booster lines are for brush fires. Pre-connects for everything else. Fortunately only are brush trucks have booster lines on them.
our primary attack line is our pre-connect. we rarely use the booster reel. I have used the booster reel 1 time on a household exterior trash can. USE PRE-CONNECT!
We did 6 oddballs last year(between liner and brick. That along with the 50-70 "Normal"ones. Not so many metal flues around here,we have a few.
I would never think of using a booster line in a structure fire. Think about it, you think that a booster line offers any kind of protection in a flashover situation. Im not saying a 1 3/4 would do much better but boosters were never really designed for that reason. In my department we would probally get a "STERN" talking to for doing that kinda thing. Thats just my personal opi nion, im not trying to step on any toes or say anyones wrong cause believe me, we are all wrong at some point, i'd rather just pull the preconnect for working fires. thanks and be safe brothers.
ya man thats not a good idea....booster is good for over haul or dumpster fires, mattresses,chairs, rubbish But on a working structure fire absolutely get the 1-3/4". i would REFUSE to take a booster line in as a primary attack line....

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