Australia is currently experiencing huge flooding from excessive rain.


Deaths and destruction... and inland tsunamis...


My news compared it to the U.S. Hurricane Katrina in destruction area - thankfully not equal in death toll - but the flooding continues.


My thoughts and prayers are with all our Australian brothers and sisters who are rescuing in these conditions and all those who are fleeing their homes to safety. 


I am sure there is much better news on it - maybe FFN webmaster can post some, since everyone in Australia is working their tails off.


Google areas such as - Queensland Australia

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My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Brazil.
I am so sorry you are experiencing such devastating. If someone has not done so already, I will take your link and start a discussion as well about Brazil to increase the awareness of those on this site towards what Brazil is experiencing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Heather

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. The flood waters have receded and now we are in clean up phase - tens of thousands of homes lined with thick, stinking mud that has destroyed everything. However, they are now saying that the cyclones that are forming off the coast may hit us in about two weeks. So please keep those prayers up. Good idea to spread the word about Brazil - thanks Heather.
Interesting photos. The first two illustrate the "Big Slow Flood" type, also called a "fluvial flood". This occurs when rivers spill out of their banks and the water gradually inundates low-lying areas.

The third photo illustrates a flash flood - a violent, rapid-rise flood whose main violent force is containe in or near the flood channel.

Both illustrate the way that flood water "chocolate milk" hides underwater obstacles that can injure, entrap, and kill civilians and responders alike.
I think this is worse than Katrina.....
You my dear man are a flood of knowledge...
Yes, I think we in the USA tend to get limited news about the rest of the world... So glad to hear you are moving into cleanup...

I am not sure why FFN has not posted more information about these world disasters - other than ACCURATE news here is not that readily available about the rest of the world.

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Death toll in Katrina was much much higher.
True. I guess I am thinking of the carnage and the fact that there is more on the way.
Seems like...
less human population were in the physical path of this flooding in Australia
they have had serious flooding before so they are more skilled at getting out of the way
they are better organized with their resources and evacuation efforts

Hopefully someone from Australia will be able to compare contrast with U.S. better than I can.
this isn't even close to Katrina. Katrina had a death toll in thousands. This only hit the low areas in a bunch of rural towns and a single city. Unlike Katriana, the entire country has come together to start cleaning up. I'm watching the news and all the neighbours are pitching in to clean out the mud, repair the roads, house the people who's houses are still under. The state (Queensland) has organised literally thousands (I think 10s of thousands) of volunteers who are fanning through the impacted areas helping clean up and get the place working again.

Contrast with Katrina - the entire city was underwater so ALL of the infrastructure was destroyed and they really had nothing to work with. Couple this with a completely overwhelmed local government and ineffective federal response and you have a proper disaster.

There have been no political recriminations, no finger-pointing, none of the BS that accompanied Katrina. In Australia we take care of our own.
Hey Vic - thanks - got any estimates???

What is your death toll at?

How many people actually live in the flooded area?

How many people had to be evacuated?

How many people are homeless?

I think the U.S. is likening in comparison to Hurricane Katrina related to radius of impacted space... but yes, nothing compared to the catastrophic loss of life here in the U.S.

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