We had this HUGE discussion in school about firefighting, and the first words my friend (he's from another country) said about Firefighters is that they put out fires and rescue animals from high places.

Has your company gone to rescue a cat, or maybe even a dog, from a high point?

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thats funny
don't encourage him to cook and / or eat kitties... not nice...
I'm more of a pickled ginger man, myself.

Throw in a little side of kimchee...yum.
I will let sleeping dogs lie and dead cats sleep in the limbs of the trees from which they were never rescued, 'kay?
...and the apples shall lie down with the oranges.
We are a small rural department. We don't have animal control for calls such as these. In my 30 plus years we have rescued deer from mud bogs (we have a hovercraft to go places like that), trapped dogs, exotic birds, and went on cat rescues. We depend a lot on fundraisers in our community and a little PR goes a long way. With many of the cat calls, just our showing up, even if we don't do anything, goes a long way for funding, whether it be from support of our small tax levy or our fundraisers. None of it ever interfered with our responses to emergencies but we don't run EMS, just fire and rescue.
My Department rescued a cat from a tree last summer, Got stuck about 50 feet up and would not come down, the elderly owner asked for assistance from the local PD, they said to call the Fire Department. Although an odd request that will proberly never happen again in my fire career, it was really good PR for the Department.
APPARENTLY my cat got the memo of cat being the other white meat... and she wanted to give it a try...

since I woke up this morning to find my kitty, Zegerah, in the salad bowl on the kitchen counter

(pissed because I woke her to take her picture for all of you)
How cute!
You think your cat was pissed...

My poor hands :(
Sorry Sarah, but when I see these pics I can't help but giggle, not at your hands but the looks on your cats faces...
HEE HEE Sarah - yes I see I forget International Dress Up Your Pet day - I will have to back track and get to that...

and yup - your kitty is pissed off...

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