We had this HUGE discussion in school about firefighting, and the first words my friend (he's from another country) said about Firefighters is that they put out fires and rescue animals from high places.

Has your company gone to rescue a cat, or maybe even a dog, from a high point?

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That's not within the parameters of the discussion, because it's just a little difficult to drive fire apparatus through floodwaters to rescue the cat.

Then there's the little problem of the resources being tied up rescuing people who are trapped by the flood, since human life is the priority in that situation - and every other situation.
What color is your cat? Do you shave your cat? Favorite cat recipes? All great topics.
Do you shave your cat? Isn't that getting a little personal?! Geeez!! Do I ask if you shave your dog??
cough! cough! sorry hairball
It was a rhetorical question.

I don't shave my dog, but I will on occasion trim him, sometimes in interesting designs or styles.
Ralph ... you are just not right!!
What they accept makes no difference. I have the power to close the door with them on the other side.

I don't even have to use my superior human intellect to beat them - just my opposable thumbs.

Plus, I control the kitty food bin and water tap...
Target-rich environment. I'll have to stand back to prevent richochets off of the rocks.
Ben, the question was, "Have you ever seen the skeleton of a cat in a tree?" My answer said, yes - during RECOVERY. There was no active rescue at that point; the floods were over and we were doing recovery work.
That was the literal question. The literal context was in running isolated cat-in-the-tree calls during normal day-to-day operations.

The context is equally as important as the question. If you're going to interpret the question literally, you need to do the same with the context.
don't try to redeem yourself by stealing my line...
we have rescued both cats and dogs but i like the random one when you rescue a deer

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