We had this HUGE discussion in school about firefighting, and the first words my friend (he's from another country) said about Firefighters is that they put out fires and rescue animals from high places.

Has your company gone to rescue a cat, or maybe even a dog, from a high point?

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It is a fairly common occurrence around here and while not usually necessary its about public relations.
I actually dont like cats and they will come down in time but if i had to get a cat out of a tree there is a two and a half inch fire line on the truck that would get the frisky feline outta the tree lol jk jk
Ouch! :D
Also, an urban area has dedicated animal control officers, so it's not like the fire department is the only option.

We used to do this (rescue animals) in PG County. Oddest animal rescued: iguana up a tree.

In my new department, things are a bit more rural. We've pulled a horse out of a ditch - that was a new one!
We do not rescue cats from trees. We do not even respond to the calls. Have you ever see a cat skeleton in a tree?
Been there with the horse ... NOT fun. Fortunately, animal suffered only minor contusions and abrasions so was fine; can't say the same for one of the crew who took a hoof to the groin. He recovered, but for several weeks after, when he walked in a room, all you heard were high squealing sounds like a horse in pain. He took a lot of grief for it.
1 cat from a high place and 1 dog from a low one

hey a life is a life !
yea cap - we don't STOP protecting the rest of our town - to rescue any animals... we can do both...

and I was reflecting the symbol cat in the tree as reflecting all non-traditional animal calls... since most of those calls could really be taken care of with a gun or a vet and some machinery... so really we don't have to ever help with horses or cows or every other animal that gets itself AND its owner in a precarious spot... in farm country where I served

but your department has a different set-up than mine...

so you are also correct, you don't have the luxury of prevention calls... we often do...

half of the guys on my department run their own farms and know all sorts of cool ways to rescue all types of precarious animal antics
Cats self-rescue from trees every time they get hungry enough.

The classic "Ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?" applies.
No it is not, you cannot compare an animals life to a human. Besides the cat won't die in the tree so we are not talking about life here. Just stupid ass cats, they will come down, always do.
yup - 2 dead cats in a tree
Improvements to the cat gene pool.

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