Firefighter Jeopardy, that is. The rules are simple, someone post the answer, then the next person to come along posts the actual answer in the form of a question. That same person who answers in the form of a question is to then post the answer for the next person to come along. Keep it firefighter related, try your hardest not to cheat(i.e. Google, Bing, Ask, you firefighter literature)... I mean, this is an honorable profession, right?


We'll start out simple.

"I'll take Fire Science for $100, Alex."

Answer; Oxygen, heat and fuel.

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What is the ignition temp. of paper?

ANSWER: stage of fire with thick smoke and no flame.
What is an agility test?

Alex, I'd like Fire Science for $200.

Next Answer: Gases such as hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide.
By- products of combustion
Answer: Comprised of fire-resistive outer shell, vapor barrier, and thermal barrier.
Wildland Fires for $200

The crowns of the tallest vegetation in an area, usually above 20ft.
What is bunker gear or turnout gear?

Alex, I'll take ventilation for $200

Answer: It's a coordinated effort done using a forced air fan during structure fire attack.
What is positive pressure ventilation (PPV)?
What are aerial fuels?
wildland fires for $100.

This is the part of a wildland fire that travels or spreads most rapidly.
Well, they don't call it the fire triangle anymore. Now it's the fire tetrahedron - heat, fuel, oxygen, and a self-sustaining chemical reaction.
But, the answer is still correct, if not current. Just thought I'd throw in my $0.02.
It's actually a positive pressure attack. (Which can potientially make your situation 10 times worse if people don't understand the concept) So make sure you do your research on PPA if there's any depts out there considering the technique. Don't let it shy you away though, it works VERY effectively when done properly!

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