I attended a class to be certified as Instructor I last week. They were complaining that enrollment was way down in the state classes. They ask what we thought they were were thinking the economy. I know what is going on and tried to make them understand. 

Here in Indiana they are putting more and more to get though and pass the states classes. They always say not everybody is cut out to be a firefighter. I agree with that statement but I see more and more volunteers just getting mandatory and not going farther. If your career it may add pay or advance your career. But where is the motive for a volunteer?

I took a drivers op class it was free. My chief ask me why do I want to go though all that when I can drive and pump the trucks. I hear this all the time and not just from my dept. I have more certs than all but one officer on my dept and I am one away from him. I am still a just a firefighter so why should I try there is no advancement in it for me and don't think there will be for a long time. I don't care if I am an officer I am self motivated and gun ho, But most are not.

I see what the state wants but when most of the area is covered by vollies how much can they get. I believe there has to be a happy medium. Or training will stop at the bare minimum. I think thats the opposite of what they want. I believe they are wanting better trained fire depts not less trained.

I don't know if this post shows what I am tring to say correctly. Its hard to explain what I am tring to say. I am not really against the new stuff but how far can they go before it blows up in there face and hurts more than it helps.

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YEAH ......What Greg said !!!!
I'd like to have my cake and eat it, too. We've told our firefighters their first priority should be their family and the second should be their job. The third would probably then be either their church or the department. Then we hope they'll be willing to give up at least two hours a week plus a few weekends and other miscellaneous days for training. It's tough to keep them motivated unless they're like the few (We're fortunate to have two on our department) who go get every training course they can get their hands on. I wish I knew the answer. We already pay for 100% of all tuition with grant money. Perhaps we can come up with more innovative ways to motivate our folks. Recognition, recognition, recognition...??? I'm afraid the desire to serve the community is declining nationwide and this is one symptom.
What? Is this a trick question? Everyone knows that there are three rules to ensure a happy fire department, and it does not matter whether it's paid, on call, volunteer, whatever... the rules stay the same and they should be memorized by all company officers if they have their act together. Failure to follow this mantra, as competent company officer means that you just don't get it... in my opinion of course.

Company Officer Golden Rules (3)

1. Don't tell the driver how to drive.
2. Don't tell the cook how to cook.
3. If it can't be delegated, don't do it.

Three Word Speech for Your Firefighters To Follow: Think KY Jelly (KYJ)...

Why KY Jelly? If you don't KYJ, you may need it... think about it.

K - Know
Y - Your
J - Job

In the interest of fire and life safety,
I hear the cattle prod works...
Its the same in my part of NC i attend as many classes as possible not for advancement but for the knowlage that what i learnd in a FREE class my save my life one day or may help me to save others
Iowa recently implemented a 24hr minimum training standard, as of right now its not "policed" but I'm sure it will be tied into grants or insurance etc. in the future. We have about 8 out of 19 meeting this right now. I have tried different things to motivate the troops with no luck. We revamped our applications last year so that expectations would be spelled out early on, but we just don't have many people wanting on... it seems to be a nationwide issue..IMHO 24hrs is not alot to ask, and the members who do meet the standard do alot more than 24hrs a yr..
In Florida one used to be able to start volunteering with out having any certification whatsoever. Now one can't go into the fire or help with a medical call unless they have some type of training. I have attached a copy of the letter in a local paper from a very respected volunteer fire chief. I live 2 1/2 miles from my volunteer fire station. My parents were going to start volunteering when I start as a cadet. Then this editorial came out. They are not people who would jump the gun as a firefighter, they were going to do it to support me. When they found out that they would not be able to do much unless they had all of that training, they gave up the idea. My dad has a day job and my mother homeschools me and my 3 sibilings(we also live on a large farm). They don't have the time for the training. If you have nursing certificates you can volunteer to respond only to medical calls. So my mom might still do that, but otherwise-there went two possible vollies-in an area where there is a need for volunteers.

Just me, but I think that all of the training one now has to get is a set back for the volunteer departments.
Rachel, I would like to know are they having problems finding people to join? My state requires only a 24 hour mandatory class to start.
240 hours seem to be alot of time, effort and money to throw into a brand new person. They may go on 2 runs and say this is enough for me. Then all effort by the dept is wasted.
Whats going to happen when the word gets out from someone that went though all those hours and did not pass the test? What happens when they tell the world "I spent 240 hours to get on and all that was time and effort was wasted". My guess is alot of people who may have been good firefighters are going to just walk away and never bother to sign up. I would never say just let anyone on the truck with no training what so ever. I also realize not everybody is cut out to be a firefighter. But the way things are going. We are going to have trouble find anyone for the job as a volunteer firefighter.
We had a mandatory & basic fire class it started with 8. One was asked to leave to put it nicely, 3 did not pass the practicals, one more dropped out. Three passed the test. Of those three one got her cert and never came to another thing, So we gained 2.
At the end of this year there will be no more mandatory the minimum will be ff1 and ff2.
I am a member of a paid on call 24/7 dept, that is 100% volly even our Chief. We train twice a month, and all of us have to have our basic essentials training, as well as basic wildland training. We do have some free classes, to further our training, but many dont take them. Myself am trying to further my edducation, first is my GED, then college. I plan to take all wildland courses up to engine boss, as well as fire science classes. I also wish to take criminal justice, as well as basic emt classes. I feel that to better serve my community I should do my best to get the training I need. I know that most and Im not saying all depts, do have trouble recruting new members. The ages of vollys is a problem as well, not many young people wish to be a firefighter and the ones that are aint getting younger.
I feel that when it comes to training and the younger generation, they feel that well I am only a volly. That they may or may not get paid, so why get more then the equired basics. I also feel that the more training ya can get the better you are to do your job. As many say you are only as good as you train, learn, and apply it to your daily life as well as your job. I know many say well you learn from your mistakes, I know I am one of them. So you go into a burning building, with little or no training, you get hurt and your partner dies. What do you gain, oh ya learn from your mistakes, try explaining that to the family of the one killed.
I feel everyone even if you have been a firefighter all your life, needs to train and retrain as often as possible. Times are changing, fires arnt the same as even 10 yrs ago, even our equipment has changed. I do know that many depts who get a lot of calls a year. If they sit back and look at how many are fire related and what arnt they will see that 70% are ems or related calls. Our dept dose not run ems, we do run extrication calls, wildland, as well as structure fires. Im not going to say my figures are right but Id say that 90% of our calls are fire related. Of those calls most are wildland, so traing I feel keep refreshed on the wildland as well as severe refreshers on structure and extrication skills. I feel that all depts should keep traing classes open for firefighters to boost their skills. I know of a friend who is a full time paramedic, he has to go to school every year to keep up with the changing times, why should firefighting be any different?
To be fair the chief and training officer are just like the rest of us and there good points too so judge them off the statments above.
David, I just took and passed Instructor I and there was nothing even talked about that. As a matter of fact you must have your Basic firefighter certification as a prerequisite to take FFI & FFII. When I started I took all three test the same day. So I went from not being able to get on a truck to a fully being a fully certified firefighter in one day.

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