We just had 13 cylinders expire so we purchased 16 composite cylinders.We are having trouble keeping the cylinders marked with our department name and cylinder number.I was hoping to get some input on what everybody uses and what works best for them.

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We don't mark our cylinders with our name, but we do use numbered stickers for tracking purposes. We place the sticker on the cylinder where the cylinder faces the harness, so as you look at the pack in a jumpseat you can easily see the number. Also the sticker stays in place well because it is protected by the harness, vs being exposed to heat, debris, etc while crawling around. It would be easy to place a dept sticker in the same place to help ID.
stickers or paint with stencils....
Stickers or stencils
We put our stickers up by the bottle neck.Don't ya just love throwin one of the composite bottles on after running through a couple of the steel ones.
Thanks for the help everybody!
Luckily my department didn't have any of the steel just aluminum and composite.Even after the aluminum ones the composite ones are great!
Ya we finally eliminated the steel ones and just have aluminum and composite.And yes even the aluminum are heavy when compared to the compisite.You don't really notice to you switch bottles and it's like hey I need another bottle and they tell you it's on there.LOL
Smell! I just pee on ours! ;)
Seriously though we have each cylinder with a large number on them. When they are serviced or refilled we fill out our tracking books.
Clear epoxy over the stickers
We only have composite cylinders - we haven't had steel or even aluminum for many years.

Wearing a steel SCBA cylinder is about as easy as fighting a fire wearing a backpack full of rocks.
my department uses a sharpie marker to mark the bottles and nail polish to mark the packs seems to work out good if the marker starts to wear of we just rewrite over it and in the 6 years we have had our packs the nail polish hasnt come of yet

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