Im a line officer with a small rural volunteer dept. Recently it was brought to my attention that some of my guys are getting bored with training. Does anyone have any new training ideas that may catch the attention of my dept?

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I found that competition works well. Timed events. Throwing in a suprize or two. I know its training right. We have the bonus of having 2 towing agency's in our town that can supply us with cars, cars and more cars. Well I found that during our rescue training people were getting bored of going and cutting up a car. So I got 2 cars put them several feet apart and had them respond like it was a 2 car MVC. Whenever they discovered that the hydrolic tools were not enough and had to resort to old school tactics like hand pumps and it made them think on there toes. Whenever you time an event you have to be careful though firefighters are type A personalities and will take short cuts to win so keep safety in mind while executing a drill. Well at the end of training that night I had several members tell me they really enjoyed the training class.
we have done some mock wrecks for a local school. Trying to show seniors the dangers of drinking/driving on prom night. I have all we needed to set it up if it will help you any. Has places to look for cars to use and set etc if it will help any.
Your game is an awesome idea! Could i recieve a copy, it would be greatly app ? Thanks Brad
Could you please send me the ppt on the jeoparty game?
A good competition for auto extrication training is to follow Ron Moore's "University of Auto extrication" which follows NFPA 1670. Check this link out here..
See what you think. If have a couple of crews and cars, you can time them each stage, and compare times at the end.
can I get a copy.Please this would be very helpful with our members.I see that they are getting bored with the current drills and our numbers are slowly dropping at drills.
I forgot to give you my email.It is Thank you in advance for a copy of your jeopardy.
Could I get a copy of your ppt jeopardy game.We have had a drop in turn out at drills because the members are getting bored with the same old training. thanks in advance for your help.
If you have something already done up I am interested in seeing and using it also.

As for training ideas, Some of the officers and I from my dept were trying to do the same thing and I ended up taking index cards and writing scenarios down. Some of them are from past incidents and some are based on a past incident but made worse. Basically what I did was lay out a scenario for them on the cards. They pick a card from the group randomly and I read it to them and give them an assignment such as " You pull up on a 2 story residential wood frame @ 3 in the morning. Heavy smoke showing from the back." "You are command" Then ask them to describe their thoughts and actions and explain why they are making each decision. I used to do this kind of thing off the top of my head for the crew a couple of years ago and they really liked it, even the veterans because it made them think. My crew will tell anyone I am notorius for giving them some weird twists to try and trip them up, but they all get upset if I don't anymore.

About 10 years ago when I was still new at driving and engineering the truck, we were bored on a training night so the Capt. took us out and we hooked to the hydrant then blind folded us one by one and we had to try and locate the valves he called out then try to get water out of the truck. All the new engineers found it very beneficial because we learned the panel without having to look for each valve.
Please send me a copy as well. My email address is
Yes please send me a copy of the Jeopardy game. Thank you.
I've done a varation of the circle excercise, instead of asking what the tools are / function, I've asked my more experienced members to tell me what is in a specific pocket before they are allowed to reach into it.


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