Tell me if you think you've done a great job or are doing a great job and to not feeling satisfied from the Community around you please let me know. I'd like to try to help!

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About two or three times a month I am out somewhere getting supplies for the station and someone will walk up out of the blue and thank us for doing the job. It is not anything I need to continue with the job, but it is nice to hear every now and then. It makes up for the bitching I hear when I do inspections.
agree with you Bro
Sure it's nice to hear "Thanks for what you do" once in a while, or have a total stranger walk up and shake your hand. But the truth is, as long as we're on scene, we're everybodies best friend. As soon as we're walking through a store or on the street somewhere, wearing our Dept. shirts or jackets or whatever, they seem to turn and run the other way. And thats fine! Like everyone else has said, we're not dependant on the thanks we get, or the hand shakes. We do what we do for the Pride and the Honor. Very few people can do what we do. Sometimes just somebody walking past and noticing you're wearing something with your Dept. name on it and giving you a smile is all you need!
Your question to this thread is a bit different... and not sure how you would help but here is my perspective.

We are Public Servants, (whether paid or vollie) the last part of that title answers your question. When your officer provides you with an attaboy now and then, it can go along way but I personally am not looking for a pat on the back from the public.

A contract raise would be appreciated...
I am not in this for the praise of the citizens, I am always happy when the Battalio, or our company commanders acknowledge we did a good job, that works for me knowing they noticed.
Could not have said it better, well put!
I think that for the most part my community ignores our existance, at least until they need us! Whenever I'm out in uniform (or even just a service t-shirt) I'll get some individuals saying 'good job' or 'I couldn't do what you do', so it's not that bad really. People who call for help are always appreciative, what more can we expect?

Ye gods! I just realised that TJ had woken up a dinosaur! Hell TJ, you must have been digging deep to find this one mate!
If I wanted to be thanked for my service, I'd work at a coffee shop. As nice as it is to get a pat on the back, that's not why I do it. The best thanks I can get is from the other girls and guys who get on and off the truck with me day in and day out.
No...and anyone who is looking for the proverbial "pat on the back" is in this for the wrong reason....I am here to help my community..and give back for all it has given me....and for the Friends (Brothers and Sisters) That I have had the honor to meet and call "friend".....Stay safe and always remember to Keep the Faith.....Paul
I am not in it for a pat on the back . Just knowing I'm doing the best I can to serve and protect my community is enough for me.
My guys get thank you's from me all the time just because an oiled joint doesn't squeak ( If you show them some appreciation they will have your back when you need them). If they really do a good job they might even get a "Good Game" smack on the a##.
Amen Dan. This is a thankless job at times. But if I never got a thank you or a wave and smile from someone as were driving down the street, then I would still being doing this job. It's not about the fame and glory in the Fire Service. It's really nice to get it and be in the spot light. But if thats all a person joins for they are in the wrong profession. try the NFL or something, because Firefighters,cops,Emts and many many other people who do public service are never truly thanked for the job they do. But we do it because we know that it needs to be done and helping someone no matter what we get out of it, is worth ever second that i'm doing.
That was amazing. u are a true fire fighter. a man that loves his job and his family; even tho ur credit card bills are growing and ur car is gettin old u wouldn't go back and change a thing. u would still put ur life on the line for that. I thank u for that and all you do.............I WANT TO THANK EVERY ONE THAT WAKES UP EVERY MORNING AND GOES TO THE FD OR EMS UNIT AND DOES WHAT THEY DO EVERY DAY.................................................

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