Why do many of you shy away from the LODD reports that are issued by NIOSH?
They are written in layman's terms, comes with pictures and diagrams and lays out a blueprint of what contributed to the FF death.
I have been reviewing NIOSH LODD reports for many years, have commented on many of them-some good; some bad-and always pick something from them that I can share with our fire department.
So; why do we ignore the reports? Or rather, why would you READ THEM and not share your thoughts?
I know, I know; you don't feel "qualified" or "I don't want to get beat up" or "I didn't think I could add anything"...blah, blah blah.
I know that NIOSH is interested in what you have to say about them. How do I know? They TWEET me.
Give my latest blog a read and please, post your thoughts; here and there.
Unlike some, I DO want to hear from you; good or bad.

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Hi Art,
It seems that many, not unlike myself, dont "ignore them", do "read them", do "share them" and dont feel that establishing further blame or critiqueing them to death are in anyone's better interest. Most seem to be sharing them, just not on this site. Once I realize cause and effect have been well established, "I didnt think I could add anything" becomes a lot more valid than "blah, blah, blah" would imply. Keep The Faith
You should check out a book called "Euro Fighter". An entire chapter is devoted to NIOSH reports, broken down and discussed in the book.
Too many departments get them, don't share them, believe that it can't happen there and are then faced with the blah, blah, blah. That's not meant to sound flippant. "Blah" refers to the color that we have all turned from discussing the reasons so much.
I don't quote Aerosmith very often, but I will here: "Same old story; same old song and dance".
Yes, I did, Art. Sure lends cred, not that it was ever needed, but input from these guys always helps...
I once attempted to work NIOSH reports into training nights, and guys wouldn't come out, saying non-hands on training wasn't valuable.

Funny thing, they didn't want to come out for hands on training either, usually because it was too hot/cold, or we did the same thing last year ( I guess hoseline advancement only needed to be done every couple of years.....)

I actually got shot down by the chief about doing some discussion about incidents printed out from the Near Miss Reporting System while at a fireworks standby. His rationale was that we can't ask the guys to actually do something possibly productive and educational while just sitting there...(paraphrased by me)

anyone can learn from their mistakes, wise men learn from others...
"anyone can learn from their mistakes, wise men learn from others..."

AMEN! I have always been a firm believer in learning from others' mistakes. (It started when I was a lad; my older sister tried to test the limits constantly and invoked the wrath of parental units... I avoided a lot of grief)

We have all heard the slogan "EVERYONE GOES HOME" and have perhaps even started using the phrase in all of our training drills - response safety, scene safety, firefighter survival, etc.

The NIOSH reports are another tool to help ensure that everyone does indeed go home.
I do read the NIOSH reports and consider them a valuable source to learn from.

What are the top 12 fire events (your opinion) that have NIOSH reports available for them?
And the links to the report, please.

Thank you.
Please, what is the autor's name for the book "Euro Fighter"?
One of our Batt. Chiefs sends out (via dept e-mail), NIOSH reports (LODD and near miss) once a week. Then each shift discusses it.
I know why I read them, and I pay attention to them. The hard part is getting others to listen. I get the "Our dept isn't big enough" or "we don't have fires like that" kind of comments. The greatest one ever, since I've moved to this place, I've actually gotten three times. I've actually heard the ever famous "It'll never happen here, because we've never run in to that situation". I've gone from progressive to backwoods, and attempting to educate them can be like pulling teeth. But, on the good end, a few of them are starting to listen after some new drills myself and a few others have run. We're making them think in directions they never have.

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