Hi, I am currently just about to get on a volunteer department from being a cadet. I was looking for some input on what type of blue light I should buy for my vehicle and what company would be the best suited to buy through. Any advice would be welcome.

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SpeedTech Lights has some good products too, but I was just about to order some stuff from a website called www.sirennet.com, i was looking at one light inparticular, but before i was able to buy it we were told by our chief that we no longer could have lights in our pov's......
Try. Ledoutfitters.com for some really cheep lights, or try Galls witch have the name brand lights.
i am a volunteer and do have lights and siren (law requires if you have a light you must have the siren). Luckily as for cost, my department issues both. Our local laws require the sheriff issue a permit. secondly i am on the road for work almost constantly. I do not always run lights and siren when responding. but after reading many comments on this topic i guess i very lucky to live in a community where every driver i ever have come across has yielded the right away (although not required). i do live in a very rural community but they will not hesitate to pull my permit if abused.
Check the site above they seam to have good LED lights for the lowest prices I have seen
Totally agree. In my county we are the only dept that does not allow lights on pov's but we do fine without them.
First congrats on your journey into firefighting!

I too have a really nice blue light. Tricked out mx7000 with all the bells and whistles, yeah! It sits proudly in my attic. I do not know what type of area you live in. I went from crowded suburb where there was just to much traffic to make a blue light useful, to a rural area where it didn't matter. Only scared the horse and buggies!

I learned a long time ago that everytime you pass someone you are judged. They do not know that it was Evan passing them, just an a-hole fireman (yes that's what they think of us until they need us). I'd much rather be that ordinary a-hole going down the road than that a-hole fireman!

Learn from your elders now and you will be a much smarter fireman in the future.

That being said, I do have a small (and I mean small) 2 flash strobe and a traffic safety vest that I keep under my seat. If in the event I stop to help a stranded motorist or first onscene of an mvc, I want that protection for myself first!

Be smart, be safe and hopefully years from now I'll hear about some award you won and not court case you lost.

Once you have your permit, or whatever form of permission you need in your state, make sure your department knows you're getting a light BEFORE you buy, then check out ledoutfitters.com.

In my state we have to have a permit from the state DOT before we can install a light, but we also have to have an "audible warning device" and our local SOP requires 360-degree visibility but no roof-mounted light bars. Meaning we have you invest in a lot of lights and a siren, to meet the requirements of both the state and the department. We have about 16 active volunteers and only four or five of us have red lights, but we're also the ones who respond to the most calls.

Remember, driving to a call is not a license to speed, your state and your department have laws and SOPs governing how fast you can go; follow them! emergency driving is not necessarily fast driving because you cannot help anyone if you're in an accident on the way to the scene, and often a blue (or red in most states) is a magnet for trouble.

Be safe, drive conservatively and follow the rules!

REMEMBER....A blue light gives you NO rights what-so-ever...it is merely a courtesey asking others to give you clearance to get where you are going safely....that said....I like "led outfitters" they have good light at reasonable prices...as does "strobes-n-more"
I would have to say that checking your state and local laws is the best way to go. I have dash lights in both of my vehicles because I sometimes respond directly to the scene if it is an ems call. I am on a volunteer dept that covers about 120 square miles so our dept will issue lights to you if you get on. Definitely go with led's, I started with a rotating dash light, then a stobe light on the dash and now I have led and won't get any other type.

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