This past summer the manifold at the tail board that accepted 3- 2 1/2 inch lines were taken off our trucks and replaced with a 5 inch intake with no shut-off. The reason we were told was it was quicker and a shut-off would make it too heavy. I do not like not being able to control the water flow to my own truck. I went to material services and had a 15 foot section of hose with storz butts made. My thinking was while we were sitting the truck up, we could put down a portable plug between the truck and pumper. That way I could control my truck's water flow and after water tower ops we would be able to set up lines off the portable plug. My chief said it would increase time too much. Most of our pumpers have portable plugs and our set up time is controlled by how fast the outriggers can be set. So I don't think there would be any time increase at all. We have already seen the downside. Days after the new intake being put on, we made a two alarm and when the chief told us to shut down water ops, I had to get my supply pumper's attention to stop water flow. On a busy scene when the pumper has wyed lines, 2 jump lines and a supply line going that may not be easy to do.The other shift made a two alarm and did not have enough pressure with the LDH. Another company was training and the pumper turned in water before the truck was set up almost hitting a private on the ground. What about it truckies, do you think the truck should have control of their own water output? Or is it an accident waiting to happen?

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All of our trucks with a pre-piped waterway all have a 5" connection with no shut off valve. We do have to marry a pumper to the truck, but the pump operator also knows which truck they are supplying. Since we all have radios, and most pumps have headsets at the pump panel, it is easy to hear when to shut down, etc.
Can't say I have seen many issues, we usually aren't flowing water until the ladder is set up in position anyway.

I'm curious as to what you mean by you had a "plug" made. The way I read your description is a 15' piece of hose with Storz is this a plug? Is there some type of shut off valve in this, or how is this supposed to stop water flow without the pump doing so?
Here they do not marry a pumper to a truck, I have been on a fire where the pumper was pumping every discharge including a hose line attached to the deck gun. With so many lines when you are up to your elbows in alligators it is easy to get flustered. No I didn't make a plug, our pumpers carry a portable plug. 5 inch going into one side, the other end 5 inch connection, to hook to the truck or whatever, with 2- 2 1/2 connection on each side. Every connector has a shut off. The 15 foot section of hose was to go from the "plug" to the truck so I would be close to my controls. Then there is the relay of info, the chief tells us to shut down, and even though the pumper knows they are supplying us, I still have to tell them to shut down water supply. And there is so much fire ground chatter this can take more time than it should.
Must just be a difference in ops or comms. We can also have a pump or two running numerous lines, but if an aerial master stream is used, then a pump is supplies the water and pressure for the ladder. The pump supplying the ladder really doesn't have any other lines going. When the water needs to be shut down, the order is given and typically, there is no communication issues where a truck crew has to worry about getting the pump operator's attention.

Then again, we typically aren't having too many scenes with multiple aerial master streams in service, but our most recent large fire did have 3 ladders in operation and there wasn't any issues when water needed to be shut off, or supplied. So I guess I haven't seen too many reasons as to why the truck company needs to worry about shutting down water on their own.
I guess it will get it worked out. As I said, this is new to us, and I guess us truck lieutenants don't like having part of our control taken away from us. Maybe we will get a new SOP dealing with this now that we see there is potential for a problem. It would be nice to have the pumper supplying us dedicated to us. We have enough equipment here that would not be a problem.
I would be more concerned that the someone would shut off the intake at the rear of the truck without properly warning the engine's pump operator, causing too much pressure for 5" hose and a subsequent line burst. Remember, 5" tests at a lower pressure than 3" jacketed hose. Flowing an aerial master stream at upper elevations are pushing the limits of the line as it is.

Coordination between the truck and supply pumper facilitated by TRAINING is the key.
I think when he said "portable hydrant" he meant hose junction you set on the ground that is hooked to your hydrant, there you can lay hose to 5 rigs and each output from the junction has a valve so you can stop water supply at any time...
I think when he said "portable hydrant" he meant hose junction you set on the ground that is hooked to your hydrant, there you can lay hose to 5 rigs and each output from the junction has a valve so you can stop water supply at any time...

Yeah, got it after her reply, thanks though.

It was just initially reading things, she wanted ability to control her own water supply. Since my experience with real ladders (not quints) with a pre-piped waterway was a 5" storz intake, but no shut off capabilities. Since I never seen a reason for a truck to control their own water, led me to question.

Although the term "plug" does vary. Here we call hydrants hydrants and a "portable hydrant" is called that or manifold. Nothing wrong with plug, etc, just that some terms do differ by areas.

Oh and is a "she".....check out her name and profile.....just an FYI.
that's it, we call them portable plugs here.
you are 100% right, problem is they tend to put the cart before the horse. Training or at least memos telling of pending changes would be nice before the switch is made.

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