I didn't go to irescue 2010 this year with too many work commitments, but I was looking on the ARRO ( http://www.arro.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=258 )website this morning and came across a Case Study which shows the rescue crews attending a car udner truck call.


As part of the extrication, they winched the car out from udner the truck.


Got some fantastic photos showing it in action.


See attachment below....

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has anyone had a chance to download and check out the great photos in this case study?

Anyone care to comment?
This CAN'T be! It would mean I have FOLLOWERS,Hehe.
Deep down we all follow you TC. Some just need to come out of the closet though... ;-)

Intersting scene control/safety with live winching happening though.
Wow is all I can say.
Wow good or wow bad, MJ?
I've moved vehicles with the patient still trapped three times in my career that I can remember. All were last resorts, but two were not underrides of large vehicles. The one that was an underride was lifted with air bags and cribbing, then winched out by the heavy rescue's front-bumper-mounted winch.

The other two were taco-shell wraps around a power pole and a tree. After the winch job, removing the driver's door and extrication were simple and quick.
One lucky lady.

Not my field, so I won't comment on good or bad practices because I wouldn't know!

One camera-shy member. At first I thought an FO, but not sure on second look. See how the little things can get me thinking?

One of the things I LOVE about you Ben. You're CONS.ISTANT. I'll keep working on that,hehe

Here's my thoughts. For YEARS,the "Golden Hr" has been the STANDARD to achieve in Extrication. Now to ME that means using EVERY tool available to Expedite the freeing of the entrapped and get them to the closest medical facility. This INCLUDES moving the vehicle when DOING SO can be done SAFELY and when such action will INCREASE the patients viability, I am NOT advocating this action on a majority of the incidents we respond to but I do feel there are places where the technique CAN and SHOULD be employed. TRAIN,TRAIN, and then train somemore.  AND put a few of the I Wouldn't or the Only as a last resort scenerios in your training and play them thru. You JUST MIGHT find another way of dealing with a complicated issue you hadn't thought of or tried before that might pay off in the future.

Did a GREAT job with what they had to work with. A twin winch Tow truck would have made the job easier and SAFER but they did a great job with the Trifor and available tools. Their actions without doubt saved time and got their patient to care quicker. Good call from all I can see.

I don't think I've ever seen a twin winch tow truck here in Oz???? Not sure...

SHOULD be a few around. If you got 'em and add 4-6 snatch blocks you can do some really NEAT stuff.


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